RELEASE: MilViz Corsair for MSFS

Once they fix the Xbox DRM issue… it will be there as well!

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Sounds gouda - I won’t hold my breath though, I like living! Thanks again for all the good info!

I’m not seeing it on the marketplace… did it get pulled? Anyone else seeing it?

The dev blog is up - if it is on time, marketplace will update in about 2.5 hours.

Thanks, much appreciated

Thanks @VortecMalibu. I have not tried that as I try hard to minimise add-ons. Like you I would be interested to hear from anyone else. I still cannot believe that the developers will not simply enable keyboard keys to turn off damage and to turn on basic autopilot - one of the great advantages of a Sim to be able to do that, and I suspect something most customers would appreciate. I am an aircraft study-level type but sometimes I just want an easy, fun flight. I am not just a gamer. I am a real-life pilot. I study WW2 history. I collect WW2 model and Sim aircraft. I am a former engineer. I certainly do not want any changes to the actual current aircraft in look or feel or anything else - just some little extra coding to activate a few keys. Anyway, I have pushed this issue more than enough. Doesn’t really matter. Cheers.

about damage… today i accidently enable air brake after stop parking(bind hat button behind parking brake) corsair lie at wing, but engine stay working, then i up dive brake, so gear get up, corsair lie on the parking, engine stay works:) i knew it’s damage disable before start for prevent broke prop after glitch nose down appear, but when engine start… must be damage disappear when you on the ground with zero speed, that way

I know that you’re using a translator but, even with that, I am not understanding what your issue(s) is(are).

I think he means when you accidently toggle gear up when standing on the ground with motor running there should be damage. But i might be wrong.

exactly:) but this is not issue for me, it was my fault accidently use dive brake instead parking brake :slight_smile:

i don’t use translator (almost lol)

I can confirm that - not any day now, but today :wink: - the Corsair is in the in-game Marketplace :wink:

First impression: rumbles and sounds awesome! (Just flew for like 2 minutes around my “home airport” - did a crash landing which - interestingly - counted as “successful landing” in the “statistics table” which shows up after a flight :wink:

One very small issue that I’ve noticed: when selecting the aircraft (in the world map, when preparing a flight) the aircraft is categorised as “Others”. I would have expected “Propeller”.

UPDATE: Huh… or is it a “Piston” engine? Shame on me! Will have to do some research!

UPDATE 2: Seems indeed to be a “Piston” engine:

“The R-2800 is considered one of the premier radial piston engines ever designed and is notable for its widespread use in many important American aircraft during and after World War II.”

All the propeller planes that aren’t turboprops are piston engines. :slight_smile:

Hmmm, but „Propeller“ is also a selectable category. In fact, most stock airplanes (X Cub, Cessna 152/172, Icon A5, … and I think even another iconic WW II airplane ;)) are in that category. I‘ll have to check tomorrow what other airplanes are in the „Piston“ category…

Anyway, I absolutely need to educate myself about Piston engines, turbo-prop engines and while we‘re at it: jet engines. :slight_smile:

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except human-powered :slight_smile:

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I can sincerely recommend the Wikipedia articles on these subjects, they’re pretty good! I spent a lot of time going through them a few months back myself. :wink:

  • Reciprocating engine - Wikipedia (aka piston engine) – in this sim most use spark plug ignition and run on gasoline, though a couple of the Diamonds have diesel engines – ignited via compression – and IRL would commonly run on jet fuel despite being a type of piston engine. You’ll also find a difference between 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines, where generally you’ll only see a 2-stroke on very light aircraft like tiny ultralights
  • Turboprop - Wikipedia – propeller driven by a turbine, so it’s actually related to jet engines
  • Jet engine - Wikipedia (note there are several subtypes, of which the most common you’ll see are turbofans on most modern aircraft, and turbojets on some older ones and a few more recent models with unusual needs)
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This old warbird is interesting but the price on the Marketplace is a little on the high end. I’ve heard the Spitfire is as high-fidelity as the Corsair with the latest update (i.e. engine damage modelled, particle effects, optional integrated Garmin GPS).

Is the Corsair worth the $20 over asking price of the Spitfire? (I’d love to get both but I’m saving up for the Junkers).

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I don’t know tbh.

I have the Corsair and I will say that it is one of my favourite aircraft and one of my best aircraft purchases for the sim.

I haven’t got the Spitfire yet though (considering it like you) so unfortunately I can’t really compare them and make a call.

I have both and fly them frequently. No regrets at all and I’m looking forward to the P-38’s from both too. You really can’t go wrong with either and buying the Spitfire now to save toward the Junkers is very sensible. It depends on what strikes your passion in flying.

I really debated posting this, I don’t want to offend or start something, but it may help any dev creating things to sell. The modeling on the Corsair is more refined. This pic is the same parking space at the same time of day. I find the light leaks in the Spit distracting in VR where the Corsair appears solid. But that’s the only thing, everything else about the Spit is pure joy and has many bells and whistles that everyone enjoys.

spit is not perfect when look at 6 and when door open, all other situation i don’t see much different, both corsair and spit are about perfect