[RELEASED] Miltech Simulations M2K-C & 2025 Roadmap

Why? So all players can have the same experience and not have weeks apart of availability. IMO that would be good if that was the norm. Ideally if Microsoft was faster at their marketplace schedule.

Or so pc players can help iron out any issues before it comes to console and the 3rd person flying brigade start moaning that they want GTA V style controls.
Im on xbox im happy to wait til it comes


So you want the developer to hold back a ready non-MP store PC release and forego valuable early customer responses that could improve the Marketplace release candidate for no reason other than you being jelly if other people can play something for a few weeks before you can? Did I get this right?


Clearly I’m in the minority. It’s not up to me. Looking forward to releases when it posts.


Also, probably why Carenado hasn’t brought their Dassault Falcon 50 to MSFS 2024 as there’s no agreement with Dassault unlike Embraer even though they did the licensed Saab 340 and Pilatus PC-24 for MSFS 2024 as default aircraft in the Premium Deluxe edition.

Excited to give the MK2-C a whirl!

Always with the negative waves


Well, this was certainly one of the possibilities we considered. Our goal was to (hopefully) have a release on all platforms at the same time.

However, as others mentioned, doesn’t really make sense to hold off a completed aircraft for several weeks while we wait for MS Release.

And we can always iterate much faster through direct purchases, in case we need things to fix. So ultimately, Marketplace gets a better and heavily-tested version.


So the release outside the Marketplace will be this weeks thursday. On Xbox Marketplace later.

I am looking forward for the Xbox release and wish all non Marketplace users a lot of fun this thursday/friday.

will it be available on orbx on Friday 24th ?

Will be available at our website (www.miltechsimulations.com) on Friday 24th.

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Preparing for a launch in just a few hours :wink:


Looks great! As I’m new to Miltech products, can you outline if you’ve worked with real-world pilots of this aircraft for quality assurance on this product? Presumably you haven’t worked with the manufacturer judging by the product name, but insight into how you’ve ensured accuracy would be great!

Manufacturer is not involved in any way. However, our SME and lead quality assurance person served in the French Air Force and has extensive knowledge of the aircraft.

However, I must add that this is not intended to be a “study level” product, and certain areas have been simplified or restructured for improved usability in MSFS. Particularly, simplifications made in the weapons/radars systems.


Appreciate the insight - looking forward to release.

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Thank you.

When will it be available on orbx shop ?


Experience the power, precision, and agility of the iconic M2K-C in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 & 2024. Now featuring the first-ever 4th Gen Weapons System in MSFS.

Get Miltech Simulations Leh Airbase Kushok Bakula Rimpochee (VILH) and French Airbase 103 Cambrai/Epinoy V2 (LFQI) for MSFS, each for 35% OFF with the M2K-C!

Available now at www.miltechsimulations.com !


Congratulations to Miltech for the release :slight_smile:

Sorry to sound negative, but I can’t help feeling there’s something off with the shape of the canopy in the external model. I had this feeling since the preview video. Am I the only one ?

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It is correctly modeled - has a bit of a “bump” IRL that has been accurately depicted

Went for a short hop around Leh. Great cockpit! I can’t wait to get to know her better. The manual is not on your website yet
do you have a timeframe on that?

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I was looking for the manual and didn’t find either.

Maybe I should ask here?

What kind of autopilot does this aircraft have if anything? And is it a custom AP or the default one tied up to the switches in the plane?