[RELEASED] Mini-500 | Got Friends

Product after product, you continue to impress us with the quality and innovation with tons of small features that make a difference when flying.

Keep going!


I am drooling Got Friendsā€¦ Get it out thereā€¦ Revelio!!! Cant wait. Going to be tearing up the Campout sceneries and Hogs back ranch!


Wow. I just read the Wikipedia page on this thing. Sounds like the real-life helicopter is a great choice if you want to practice your autorotation skills or youā€™re tired of life.

And thatā€™s out of an estimated 100 or so that were completed and flown!

And then thereā€™s the (original, not the hypothetical APU-engine replacement GotFriends is simulating) engine choice:

So authenticity fans will want to crank that realism and failures up to max. :slight_smile:

Note that Iā€™m not dissing GotFriendsā€™ choice here. Theyā€™re simulating the re-engined version that was postulated but never shipped. (Though Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d trust my life to a helicopter with an engine that was intended to be an APU either!) Iā€™m certain it will be fun to fly and Iā€™ll be grabbing it. I own all the other GotFriends planes and theyā€™re among the best and most entertaining in my hangar, and Iā€™m sure this will be the helicopter equivalent!

Iā€™m just shocked at how dangerous and poorly engineered the real life chopper turned out to be. I hadnā€™t heard of it before GF announced this one.


LOL ā€” the ultimate adrenalin junkies choice of vehicle, with layers of added uncertainty and potential excitement to every trip. Living on the edge! ā€œWhatā€™s that noise?ā€


Let me revise the song based on your post!!

Yeah, Iā€™m gonna take my 500 to the old crematory road
Iā€™m gonna fly 'til I canā€™t die no more
Iā€™m gonna take my 500 to the old crematory road
Iā€™m gonna fly 'til my engine is no more

I got the coffin in the back
stretcher tack is attached
collective is blessed
Got the pedals thatā€™s ash to match
flying in a mini 500, ha
You can whip your safety certificate
I been down in the valley
I ainā€™t been up off the ground, now

Canā€™t nobody tell me nothing
You canā€™t save me for nothing
Canā€™t nobody tell me nothing
You canā€™t find me iā€™m now nothing


Mini-500 | Got Friends | Official Release

Thank you to all of our supporters throughout this project and for sticking with Got Friends while we transitioned to a Native Flight Model. A Special Thanks to OohCando and Willy for helping us grow the Mini-500 community and for their extensive testing throughout Beta.

The Mini-500 has Released!

Purchase Link: Mini-500 ā€“ Got Friends

Paintkit Available:

Mini-500 | Sky4Sim Replacement Mod


Downloading right now :sunglasses:


Itā€™s actually been used in a bunch of choppers and some planes

Including the actual Mini 500 :wink:

Mini 500 Turbine 1 seater Helicopter - YouTube

The Solar T-62 was a popular conversion in real life (The turbine APU from the Chinook actually!)

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Pilotsā€¦ this thing is utterly fantastic!!! In anything I say exclude the HPG 145 Airbus Payware, as IMHO thatā€™s a totally different class of Helo and its Fly by wire etc. It is just way to different, and it is alo amazing too!

I have had the best Helo flight I have ever had in any sim, I always always failed at flying Helos, I own a few for XP and I own all of the ones for MSFS, I am not comparing I am just stating my experience with this one.

In my humble non expert opinion this thing flyā€™s like a dream, it suffers the low left skid, well for me anyway, but it is just flyable easy to land well manageable at least!! has none of the twitchyness of the of the Cowan 500 (I know or I have come to understand it is like that IRL) I am just struggling with that and all choppers in general, but this one just works for me.

I flew all around the Gold Coast in Australia skimming across the ocean, flying like a bat out of hell over the beach etc and it was just pure joy, yes I am a terrible Helo pilot but still this is the only Helo I have flown in any sim where I felt I was at one with it, it just clicked and I wasnā€™t bouncing all over the place fighting itā€¦ I am in NO WAY PUTTING DOWN the other Helos, I know its my skill, I am just saying this one is great for people like me that are still trying to learn.

If you have any interest in Helos, you simply can not go wrong with thisā€¦ It is amazing in every sense.

I cant tell you if it flyā€™s realistic or not, but I can say it flys amazingingly well, amazingingly well and is a Joy. Its 2:30am for me, so off to bedā€¦ But tomorrow I will be out again, tearing up the back country!


Mini-500 | Sky4Sim Replacement Mod
Available to Download Once Approved!

Iā€™m normally not into helicopters, Iā€™ve only got about 30min max in the 206 and Cabri combined. But since I absolutely adore your Wilga, I thought I would give it a go.

First impressions from three short flights:
In shortā€¦I absolutely love it! It sounds incredible, looks good and is a lot of fun to fly. I love all the small details, like the vibrations especially on startup and the smoke and dust effects. They really make it feel much more realistic.

I think (especially for the price) itā€™s a must have!

P.S.: Do you know what function the two inop switches originally have?


Awesome, thanks!

Thanks also for letting me use Sky4Sim as an ingame tablet right from the start.

If only all developers were like you ā€¦ =D

I havenā€™t flown yet, but through your other products I already know that it will be fun. =)

I was able to take this out for a very quick flight, and my initial impressions are good! It behaves like I would expect for a small helo and itā€™s a cozy little cockpit in VR.

I couldnā€™t get the master battery switch to turn off during shutdown. And there doesnā€™t appear to be animation for the switches showing whether they are on or off. Are these known and intended to be this way?

May be a download bug on your part, highly recommend re-downloading and re-installing. Sometimes happens with New Releases when the server is bulked up with buyers/downloaders.

  • Main Panel: Clutch Switch (Bugged, Asobo Confirmed Fix for SU12)
  • Collective: Governor Switch (Bugged), Asobo Confirmed Fix for SU12)

Our team is watching Asobo closely and will implement these additions once they are confirmed working for Turbine Helicopters.


Awesome, great to hear =)

Ok, thanks. Iā€™ll try that. It was weird and unexpected so I thought Iā€™d ask.

Just downloaded the Mini and really looking forward to my first flight. This will be my first time ever flying a helicopter in MSFS. Any quick guides on what to do? In particular Iā€™d be interested in knowing what control bindings to use. Iā€™ve got a regular HOTAS setup with two throttle axes. I guess one of them should be the collective, right? Which of the many throttle axes in this sim do I use for the Mini?

Edit: Iā€™ve now tried binding one axis to collective and one to ā€œthrottle axisā€. But when I move either of them the same thing happens in the sim: the collective lever moves up or down. Is that correct for this aircraft? Does that mean I should only bind one axis? Sorry for the noob questions!

What a nice tickling feeling to be so close to a great new experience! So much looking forward to getting this baby into the air.

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Iā€™ve got her into the air! Yesssss! And sheā€™s pretty easy to handle. Iā€™m already taxiing her and hovering her without much problem. VR is really a game changer for this type of aircraft. I remember trying to fly a helo back in FSX and it was soooo much harder.
Edit: haha, wrote this too early! One crash down, many to go I guess! :wink: