Resources for learning how to use Garmin g1000?

In sim, if you have the the approach activated prior to the Initial Approach Fix it should automatically tune Nav1 for you.

That’s the operative word there. SHOULD.

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Yeah I looked at an airport and I think it is listed under like ILS-15R for the ILS for runway 15R there is a frequency.

Yup. Enable your cursor (click centre of the FMS knob), scroll down to it with your FMS wheel (can’t remember if it’s inner or outer knob offhand), then click the Enter button and it will get entered into your NAV 1.

The GNS530 works the same way. There’s a similar function (although much easier) you can use with the G3000.


is there an easy way to set an audible alarm in the g1000?

I sometimes forget to switch the tanks in the Bonanza :roll_eyes:

So I set an timer for -10 minutes f.e. but when it finished the countdown the timer just runs into positive times.

But what I need is a RIIIIINNNNGGGG!!! to wake me up.


If you need that reminder, setting a 30 min timer on your phone, the Windows clock or some other device is probably the better solution.

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