It is sad, indeed!
The CRJ had the chance to get a great airliner, but with nearly NO further development and minimal bug fixing it got one of the airliner for the “pile of shame”
Yes Aerosoft has just one goal:
Max. Profit and no customer/product support.
I converted my Zibo home cockpit into a CRJ for MFS home cockpit, but yes, the lack of bug fixes makes it hard to keep it long term. Once I order my CP Flight MCP panel, the CRJ is done forever and I’ll be converting to the PMDG 737 in my home cockpit.
The CRJ bugs I can’t stand include and are not limited to:
-If in LNAV mode, if you move the heading bug, the plane starts to turn. So you can’t sync the heading bug to your current heading unless you disengage the AP first and then re-engage once the heading bug is aligned.
-Going direct-to a waypoint, the NAV line creates a phantom waypoint off the route with a 90+ degree turn back to the route.
-CRJ chases the NAV line after a turn in the flight plan. It can’t make the turn correctly and just track the outbound NAV line like all other 3rd party aircraft seem to be able to do just fine. - AS has stated that this is just to darn hard to correct or figure out… lol
-In mulitplayer, other players CRJs show a nose gear turned 90 degrees left / right at all times. Kills immersion when flying with friends.
-Hard to find some commands to program with altough over time i’ve found most of the ones I need. Still, it was a P I T A.
All of this plus the great support from the dev (sarcasm, eyes roll)
Are there any Plans from Aerosoft to update the CRJ, because it’s sad, that it hasn’t improved since launch. I liked it back then, but nowadays it looses in all comparisons.
The only answer given to me recently by Aerosoft :
You hit the nail right on the head with “-CRJ chases the NAV line after a turn in the flight plan. It can’t make the turn correctly and just track the outbound NAV line like all other 3rd party aircraft seem to be able to do just fine. - AS has stated that this is just to darn hard to correct or figure out… lol” …This is now we know this product might be abandoned.