Rift S - constant CTD

Same problem here with Rift S. Since last update, using the Carenado Waco, when switching in VR CTD.

Hey all! same problem for me, not solved, any news?

Maybe a dumb comment and irrelevant, but do you have, or have you tried emptying your community folder of addons?

(I dont own any, so I am not sure what folder your Carenado a/c are in)

It seems to be solved for me. I tried Loopdreams method. Start the game in 2D, when in the cockpit, close all help windows, go in options and reset windows, de-activate them all. Then switch to VR. Untill this moment game has no more crashed even with windows re-activated.
Tell me if it helps.

After update CTD when switching to VR with Rift S and A320. Even worst than before…

UPDATE: after disabling Oculus Beta mode, VR seems to be working

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