Sepia mask & light bloom at night still not fixed. Unrealistic ground effects still present. Unrealistic glow at night

I think it’s worse than 2020. The spill of the lights is just way way way to much.

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Unfortunately, this bug was missed in the developers’ bug list.

Is it under progress or already being fixed in the current Beta, can someone confirm?


There were several posts about lighting in 2024 and they all got marked as fixed but the sepia mask is most definitely not fixed. I get that you want to have something there at night but in reality, the world is very black at night and artificial light (especially as LEDs become more wide-spread) is extremely localised

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I disagree to be honest, I think 2020 night lighting is better and that is saying a lot because 2020 night lighting is still unrealistic as heck. Asobo need a better method on rendering how night lighting is done. It is far from where it needs to be. I remember seeing the first discovery series in MSFS2020 and they had a shot of the sun setting well below the horizon and the night lighting looking amazing. Why can they not revert to that alpha.

It looks like they never even flew during the day with the way the sim is at the moment.


This is true, the auto-exposure eye-adaption is still a mess…

The night-lighting is a mess…

Why they even need to have this sepia mask anyway? There are lights in the sim anyway, have the lights spill the right amount of light and the ground will be lit up the right amount, no need for some completely unrealistic masking that ruins the look and realism.


Agreed on all that, the pre-sepia-mask tech alpha builds handled the distant lights outstandingly well, sad to see 5 years of tweaking to get back from the initial sepia disaster still haven’t gotten us back to the level of night realism we initially had…
And the release of MSFS2024 was a regression from current MSFS2020 in terms of sepia and color balance… No idea what happened there.