Server issues July 2

Your settings will probably be gone (they were for me) but I was able to get all of my controller profiles back by signing out of my Xbox account from the sim’s main menu and then signing back in. Then, in controller settings, you have to switch back over to your desired profile.

Yep I saw this answer in this thread, I tried but without success :frowning:

Have you tried what @TenPatrol posted?


I am mad !!!
I lost all my config and some add-on aircraft I paid for.
What is this update ???
I hope Asobo will read me.

I doesn’t work.
I also lost all my GSX config, flow config… Everything

It will took me hours to set everything again…

It’s a disgrace, for a company like Microsoft it’s a real disgrace. Enjoy Azure …

They are looking into it as why. Problem is that it didn’t affect everyone so it’s a strange thing to track.

The log out/log in has worked for many that have this issue as well as the steps above that @TenPatrol posted.

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I’m using steam and not Xbox, maybe it’s related

Today is July 3rd 2024 (6/3/2024) and I am just trying to fly around Denver and none of the airports besides KDEN and KASE and KTEX are loading everything is messed up and just wondering when this will stop

Just got the game about 1 week ago, played the game for couple of hours already and I love it. But today I started the game, and the simulator behaved as if it was my first time playing. After completing the initial setup, I noticed on the main menu that all my progress and custom controller setup were gone. Many people suggested it might be a cloud sync issue, but despite trying various solutions like logging in and out, restarting, and updating, the game still shows 0 hours of flying time. It’s really frustrating to lose everything, even though I only had a few hours in the game. If this is a common issue, I don’t think it’s worth playing for hours just to risk losing all my progress again.

I followed a forum where players had a similar issue, but none of the steps are helped. Any suggestions?

Chances are it’s just looking in the wrong location. Point the installer at the folder which contains the community and official folders.

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I image losing all data in career mode…Ouch…

2 out of 4 of my friends also has the same issue. All steam users. All of their settings are wiped. Airliner configs are gone, controller setup are gone. The 2 who had no issues, did not load the sim on 2nd of July but the 2 that has the issue opened the sim on 2nd of July and saw the blackscreen.

My guess is when the xbox service was down and you opened the sim, it somehow overridden their settings to default.

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Maybe there was a period, on July 2nd, when users were able to “partially” log in, as how else could an attempted log have an impact on their specific accounts? I tried several times and apparently got totally blanked, as my settings all appear to still be intact.

However, I’m not aware of how a “partial” log in might occur, so another option would be that a random group of accounts was somehow hit by some system bug, malware or other outside influence and MS just shut the server down to prevent further damage.

We’ll probably never find out what caused the issue, but I’m fairly sure that MS will know what it was.

If a popup ever offers the choice of keep default or customise settings then always select customise. Once in options AND online your saved profiles should still be there. If by some chance they’ve stopped working then simply reassign a single binding and then apply and save.

I found to my cost that selecting keep default will infact delete your saved profiles.

Possibly. Either the local copy of the profile can’t be opened, so a blank one is created, which is then uploaded to the cloud when auth. is fixed which wipes the only good copy left, or somehow it starts in the cloud, where a blank profile is downloaded. A local copy that don’t be decrypted seems more likely to me.

In any case, I stay well clear of the sim till the issue is resolved.

According to feedback I’ve had from several friends, only those playing via steam and who tried to launch the game on the day of the Xbox outage got a full wipe (MSFS settings, 3rd party addon settings like GSX, FBW A32nx, Fenix a320, Flow Pro profile, etc). I’ve had this wipe myself. If I look at my cloud saving steam for MSFS, I see that there was a synchronisation at the time of the Xbox outage. It’s probably related.

As for me, I’ve lost everything, with no apparent possibility of recovery. Even my flight log and my flight hours have been reset to 0. As well as all the challenges (Landing, Bush trip, Dune, Top Gun, etc). It’s as if I’d just bought the game even though I’ve got 600 hours on it according to Steam… It’s extremely frustrating.
I spent 4 hours yesterday reconfiguring everything, and I’m not done yet.
It’s a disaster.
I sincerely hope that they’ll change their plans for MSFS2024.

I would be interested to know where the configuration and statistics files (flightbook, challenges completetion, etc) are located locally. So that I can make regular backups myself. If someone know ?


By default

Thanks for your answer.
But this folder doesn’t exist on my computer. I can see a lot of “Microsoft.x” packages but not the Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Maybe it’s because I’m using steam and not Xbox App ?


If I remember correctly by default
c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YourUser_ID (numbers)\1250410

C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator

Thank you very much for your help. I’ve backed up those two folders. I hope it contains everything and there are no settings only available in the cloud. I don’t want to lose everything again. It takes too long to set up everything.