Steam file integrity check deleted whole MS folder?

I am having issues updating. the install program keeps downloading and decompressing the same file over and over and over …all day eating up gigs and gigs of my bandwidth. So i ran the Steam file integrity tool on the Flight sim install and it deleted the entire contents of the flight simulator folder. What the hell!
Where do I call for support for this product. Where is the support forum? I don’t see one here. How are users getting support for this product? I’ve already burned 80 GIG on this title today, now i have to start all over downloading the game, a minimum of another 80 gig? I can’t afford to own this game. I don’t have unlimited data!

Hi there, This is the support forums , I have needed some help and I got the best people here that could help you fix your problems… Sorry that your files were deleted…

Thanks. Can support please tell me what the file download size is? on a new install, since Steam Mucked up my install?
What can I expect? 1 install, or is it going to install the base game, then a bunch of updates?
Or do you have a updated Install image?

It will install the base game first then you can update from the contents manager in the sim… As far as size goes it’s up to the type of version of the software like Standard, etc…I don’t know what your speed of your internet connection…

Sorry that happened to you, but it has been mentioned in many many posts on this forum that running that option in Steam deletes the files.

The only option you have is to redownload the game.

That’s behavior of Steam, not the Sim. You may be able to see if you can restore the files using Windows if you have that enabled. There is no other support to be offered at this point.

I’d recommend just going for the reinstall as painful as it is. It sounds like something was corrupted to begin with.

Windows does the same thing. So it’s just how it is. If you clean the cache or repair the sim it does this. So best to just do a fresh install when you’re having issues.

Or wait for the next update. Which I have done many times in the past.

I think they should make a launcher like all the other games out there and update it that way. It works for World of Warcraft, final fantasy, star citizen, etc.

It has always done that right from the initial release.

You would think Steam would at least warn you.

The thing is, Steam only knows about the files that it installs itself, which is basically only a launcher. Most of MSFS is installed during the packages download from within the sim when you launch it the first time, or after an update.

When you ask Steam to “refresh” it tries to set things as they were after the initial Steam installation, which means with empty Official and Community folders.

The only feasible solution would take some MSFS specific tweaking on the part of Steam to disable the “refresh” command, but I seriously doubt that they would be willing to do that.

BTW: there’s evidence to suggest that Steam also empties the Official and Community folders when you opt for beta partition. This is why I have chosen to place those folders outside Steam’s reach by changing the Packages path in the package download screen.

Here’s an existing Bug which may be waits for more Votes:

Good to know. I’ve had two occasions at least with CTDs that were fixed by a clean sim install. Both times it was the update process that corrupted something. Otherwise I’m CTD free.

Yes a file integrity check deletes everything, when a game is modded, when new soundfiles new backgroundmusic etc. has been added, when the AI has been modified.
It does this also with the Flight Sim because an updated Flight Sim is not what Steam downloads the first time (the initializing file is I think 2 GB size, the rest is downloaded in the Flight Sim menu).

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