SteppingBorders Project Pt. 1: Canada

SBP 1: Canada #010
Flight from Saint-Apollinaire (CAA4) to Alexandria (CNS4).

  1. The Riviere Saint-Francois near Odanak. Near the Ile Saint-Joseph the river splits into the Chenal a Martel (left) and the Riviere Saint-Francois itself. Both rejoin eachother and enter the Lac Saint-Pierre.

  2. Above the Riviere Richelieu south of Sorel-Tracy. There it joins the Fleuve Saint-Laurent (right).

  3. L’Assomption on the northern bank of the St. Lawrence River. The Riviere L’Assomption encircles much of the town, giving it an fascinating shape.

  4. Taken above Terrebonne (right) and Mascouche (left) on the northern outskirts of Montreal.

  5. Approaching the St. Lawrence River near Saint-Placide (right) and therefore the border between Quebec and Ontario.


  • This flight is another example for my missing knowledge about Canada: I honestly didn’t think that Quebec’s western border was just beyond Montreal. Well, now we crossed the largest state in two flights. Not planned, but okay.
  • It’s interesting to follow a river from its estuary upstream! Never done that before and to be honest: The St. Lawrence River is gorgeous!
  • I was shocked on how much bigger Montreal is as compared to Quebec! Somehow I believed them to be roughly the same size.