Well the OP seems to have solved his problem so that leaves only you. Maybe if you give us more details the forum community can help
Good question. I didn’t think AMD supported 24GB modules at all on AM4.
I’ve been using the sim for years and haven’t had any real problems with CTD’s.
I’m convinced that most CTD issues are directly related to hardware configurations.
Indeed 99% of CTDs are MSFS related. That´s why Asobo has been implementing fixes for them during more than 1 year systematically in almost all SUs because the problem was really serious as it prevented game from running. Just take a look to SUs release notes at the announcement section.
What’s the only thing your system and mine have in common? Everything else (hardware, drivers, BIOS, Windows tweaks, 3rd Party software) is different.
And why haven’t I (and I suspect many others) been having this massive CTD problem?
That tells you all you need to know. Really basic troubleshooting methodology.
As for the ‘recent SU notes,’ there were indeed some issues. C’est la vie.
The big issue right now is with the servers. I agree that’s a problem. But it’s not the base code that’s the problem (other than its well known performance limitations.)
What some folk don’t realise is virtually all software needs fixing after release because they have issues that simply can’t be detected in the studio or in limited betas. Sure some simple sandboxed offline titles might get away without a patch but such are the changes made to MSFS that a SU is often more akin to releasing a whole new app.
Well, to be honest what we have seen in MSFS case was never seen before elsewhere and this is not caused by SW complexity. Things can get broken like 5 times in a row after having fixed them other 5 times. There´s no regression testing at all. It´s clear that they just test the newly added features alone. The rest is left for users to report it and added to the hall of bug lists. They even broke things inside consecutive betas and SU15 is the clear example. The last release ruined all good results achieved by the former releases. SU10 was another example. After several months of SU10 beta testing performance was runined just two weeks later by the next game update. I mean, Asobo works hard for sure, but there´s a lot of room for improvement too.
I think we should keep discussions about crashes (i.e. system freezes, CTD’s) and performance issues separate. Not that we aren’t trying to, but they’re really two different concerns that seem to be getting amalgamated.
Sure I have noticed things getting broke by SU’s but I’ve also noticed the biggies usually get patched quickly, sometimes by an update and sometimes it’s server side. Of course there will always be some users with either bespoke setups or hardware issues that continue to struggle. Not that it’s the same code but at release MSFS architecture was much entwined with FSX that needed unravelling and up till now there are obviously still areas that really don’t scale too well. MSFS2024 will be a different beast of that I’m certain.
Am4 never had 24gb modules, 8, 16,32 only. He’s run 2x8+2x16
Definitely dump the 8GB modules.
Most newer mobo/cpu combo’s don’t have too many issues with mixing ram so long as they have the same architecture (single sided or double sided “banks” of chips) but they will all be limited to the timings of the lowest rated stick. And of course using only two sticks is almost always better than having four slots occupied for the same capacity, there are exceptions but not really for gaming rigs.
Well then you seem to have been lucky.
And perhaps one of the very few on this earth!