Stuck checking for updates

Is anyone else experiencing being stuck on “Checking for updates” Was working fine yesterday and now stuck here?

Yes, having the exact same issue here. Tried 3 times in a row and waited 5-10 minute each time before I alt-F4’ed. At first I thought it was some nefarious setting I changed in Windows 10 privacy options, but it seems it’s MSFS… again.

New day, new issue, they never stop, we never get bored.

It finally recovered after 5 minutes or so and it’s loading fine now. Before it crashed on the main menu, but that’s another story.

Found some older posts which claimed that this wait in “checking for updates” screen may be caused by some mod in Community folder, but it’s not my case as my Community folder is completely empty after a clean install. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen again and it was just a server hiccup.

Yes working here again now after no changes. It just took a very long time in the end. Saw a modification in the windows store today for “Gaming services” so must have been something to do with that.

Same issue here … it is checking and checking and checking …
Every day a new surprise - a new bug - a new …
(to be continued)

My in game flight froze and I had to quit to desktop via task manager??

That’s typically the first go-to attempted solution for any issue and the easiest to diagnose. If something isn’t working, dump the community folder and try again. If it works without mods, then you can start adding your mods back in a couple at a time until you find the culprit.

But often, it really is another issue and not mods at all.

Hope you can get your crash issue sorted.

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