You’re not alone, I’m also on Series X and it seems the latest patch had reduced visual quality all of a sudden.
Agree with the OP. Ground textures have regressed again with the latest beta.
That’s a shame. This is one of the main reasons I’ve stayed clear from purchasing 24. I used 24 for a month with a free xbox game pass. I was thoroughly dissapointed by the difference then. Have been waiting for them to fix this? 20 is so clear in comparison and much less popping in… I was tempted to jump back in with the intial reports of improvements, but now no thank you. I guess we really are going to have to wait until June or even December to have a good build that’s clearly better than 20.
I second this, also what I also noticed is that ground textures at airports load progressively as well, at first I thought it was the grass loading in but it wasn’t… hopefully this also gets fixed soon
Yeah, now the ground textures quality is awful, really awful !
I dont know if this is the right place to post, but ONLY with SU1 the ground textures get blurry depending on the angle in external view.
I really think (or hope) there is some work in progress to the world map/satellite imagery. I´m getting a whole lot of errors, stitched images, strange tree borders all over the world since a few days.
I hope, it gets updated.
This is already been reported. In the first build of the beta textures were so much better but there was a clear regression in the second build. Hopefully MS will drop another build today or tomorrow. I hope they do since target realease of SU1 is in a week from today and this cannot be the release candidate
My textures havent changed in the beta. Look no different to me since the last beta update.
Interesting. So I guess it is a CDN issue based on location
the textures quality and the LOD is still horrible in the last beta build
What was this update on steam i got all about?
Okay, haven’t used the sim for nearly a week. Fired it up this morning and noticed in my graphic settings the horrible in-sim dynamic lod box was ticked. By unticking this I seem to have the decent ground textures of the intial beta release back.
I dunno if this is just me or I’m talking outta my rear end but I didn’t go much further thn a spin around Portland in the Kodiak as I notice the EFB no longer works…sigh…
yep, same here, ground textures are again pretty poor, it seems to be a loading issue for me, as when you slew the camera around, they take a few seconds and then load in. I have gigabit ethernet, so its not a connection issue, seems the servers are having issues pushing the data.
I agree. I’ve also noticed that when using a third pary aircraft the ground textures seem to be better. If I fly the same route with the stock A330 and then with the Fenix textures look better with the Fenix. This makes me think we are dealing with some sort streaming issue