SU1 Beta Regression Ground Textures and PG Poor Again

You’re not alone, I’m also on Series X and it seems the latest patch had reduced visual quality all of a sudden.

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Seems that blurry orthos are back again…

TLOD 300, 5k FT, east of tampa

Agree with the OP. Ground textures have regressed again with the latest beta.


That’s a shame. This is one of the main reasons I’ve stayed clear from purchasing 24. I used 24 for a month with a free xbox game pass. I was thoroughly dissapointed by the difference then. Have been waiting for them to fix this? 20 is so clear in comparison and much less popping in… I was tempted to jump back in with the intial reports of improvements, but now no thank you. I guess we really are going to have to wait until June or even December to have a good build that’s clearly better than 20.

I second this, also what I also noticed is that ground textures at airports load progressively as well, at first I thought it was the grass loading in but it wasn’t… hopefully this also gets fixed soon

Yeah, now the ground textures quality is awful, really awful !

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I dont know if this is the right place to post, but ONLY with SU1 the ground textures get blurry depending on the angle in external view.

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I really think (or hope) there is some work in progress to the world map/satellite imagery. I´m getting a whole lot of errors, stitched images, strange tree borders all over the world since a few days.

I hope, it gets updated.

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This is already been reported. In the first build of the beta textures were so much better but there was a clear regression in the second build. Hopefully MS will drop another build today or tomorrow. I hope they do since target realease of SU1 is in a week from today and this cannot be the release candidate


My textures havent changed in the beta. Look no different to me since the last beta update.

Interesting. So I guess it is a CDN issue based on location

the textures quality and the LOD is still horrible in the last beta build

What was this update on steam i got all about?

Sim Update 1 Beta ( Release Notes - February 12, 2025 - Sim Update 1 Beta | MSFS 2024 / Beta News - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums