I have already complained that the configuration made is not saved. It would be nice if this was done with an update.
So I am finally back at home and just completed my first flight in the Lama. Wow, this thing looks, sounds and flies great!
Not the easiest helicopter to fly, but with concentration and smooth control movements it does exactly what you want it to. Which is exactly how it should be.
@MeixnerHannes Totally agree that state saving for the tablet options should be added. I think I added a thumbs up to your Discord message
Taog’s answer on Discord regarding tablet settings persistence:
Working on it
gotta give me some time for this one
I just flew the Lama back-to-back with the Cowansim 500E. Boy what a difference the subtle vibrations in the Lama make!!! Although the 500E is a good helicopter, it felt dead after flying the Lama.
Yup, the vibrations make the world of difference to me as well. The Lama, Alouette and Flyinside B206 all feel so much more alive than any of the Cowansim offerings.
Loving the Lama overall, but I’m certainly having issues with smooth. precise landings that I don’t have with any other heli in the sim.
Try setting a new joystick profile specifically for this. I settled on Extremity Deadzones of 40 and sensitivity at -33 for both axis.
You really don’t need the far end of range unless you’ve already messed up and in recovery, so this works well for me. I might reduce both towards neutral a bit but I feel this heli benefits from its own curves.
I have not tried the update yet though so that may well change things.
I’m currently experimenting with these values. I already have the update and I’m currently using 40/-40 with the HotasWarthog.
With these values you can quickly press the joystick fully to the right or left, the helicopter reacts but doesn’t immediately roll , the same also applies to back and forth, so it doesn’t do a somersault (Purzelbaum - German) straight away
Yep, we don’t want any purzelbaum‘s or schnellrollen’s here
This helicopter is so cool and so nice to fly, now I know what I want for Christmas - proper helicopter controls - my wife is killing me - hohohohooooo
I have already converted a Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant into a collective controller and it works very well, but this helicopter deserves better - hahahahaha
I fly the Lama with a Virpil joystick, 200 mm extension and very loose springs. You will hardly see my hand move during hover, the necessary movements are so small.
Is this extension compatible with Hotas Warthog? This is not mentioned on the homepage. Yesterday I asked “Warthog Extensions by Sahaj” but haven’t received an answer yet…
I think I’m going to have to put a dead zone at the bottom of my Virpil collective axis. I’ve only had one flight so far but after landing I managed to flip the thing upside down even with the collective all the way lowered, it seems very light on the skids even at lowest collective.
The V1.1 update fixed the flight model issues for me. It’s slightly more stable in a hover and is stable and not so touchy in the cruise. It behaves more like I expect now.
It feels quite intuitive and like I remember a real R22 feeling…
Its not available to buy anymore
Latest message from Taog on Discord:
There seems to be a major misunderstanding due the acquisition of 3D assets and we would like to clear the situation before any allegations can be made
So happy to read this on Taog’s Discord:
Hello folks!
I am happy to let you know that everything has been cleared up and all allegations have been withdrawn.
Now, I want make clear that I fully own the rights to the materials used in this addon.
I will slowly put everything back in working order here on Discord, I have also a lot of work on my side so it might take some time but I am really happy that this situation is now over.
Cheers y’all!
Hi Guys,
New Taog Lama flyer but long time Heli simmer DCS, Xplane 10,11 and now MSFS.
The Lama is wonderful but I do have two small issues.
The rotor doesn’t seem to freewheel so on descend the Rotor RPM is just rock steady, even in autorotation it doesn’t move.
Und the second is the Slip indicator on the windscreen just points straight ahaid.
Is there a fix? Did I mess up a file or are these bugs still to be fixed?
Thanks for the help and the great helicopter.
Same setup. What curves and sensitivities do you use? Just wondering.
Everything linear, no dead zones, for cyclic, collective and pedals. All very simple