Tell me why I am CPU bound (with associated stutters) when using VR

Also, forgot to add I am already using a cooling pad.

Dissembling laptops :face_vomiting: Yuck! If there are also heat pads you may want to smear them with a little paste too.

Even full desktop I9 2080 TI in VR had to adjust settings way down in VR compared to on screen.
I could pretty much crank out Ultra on everything on PC display… Not anywhere close all medium lots of stuff off. Bought a 12 Gen I9 3080 TI… can go up more than the 2080 TI, but its still not maxed out in settings with G2 headset…

Its amazing, every other game on both computers perform outstanding with everything maxed out, even VR titles like Aerofly 2, DCS, Alyx, and non VR titles, Sea of Thieves, Cyberpunk, etc…

Once a CPU thread takes longer than the GPU takes display the last processed frame, the CPU will already be working as hard as it can, so decreasing the resolution just means your GPU has less to do rather than the CPU working harder. Since your GPU has spare capacity, you may as well use it to improve resolution and hence clarity, even if doing so doesn’t net you an increase in FPS as the CPU is already the lowest common denominator in determining frame time.

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I see. Thank you for the explanation.

I have some thermal paste on order and will see if it makes any difference.

Have you closed everything? My (non-VR) stutters were caused by Kittens Game running in a browser.

the Omen control panel

that in itself is a red flag, I have never used it and don’t know that it’s using significant system resources, but OEM bloatware is in general resoruce hogs

edit - i just spotted the high core temps, re-pasting is a good idea. sanity check your fan orientation too, i think i remember seeing a prebuilt with all fans pointing inwards nvm, laptop

The Omen control panel allows undervolting of the CPU, cranking up the cooling fans and has a “booster” function that frees up memory and closes unnecessary background apps. I have tried MSFS with and without using the Omen app. It definitely helps.

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Latest update - I bought a tube of thermal paste at Best Buy (Corsair TM30), pulled the thermal unit out of the laptop, cleaned everything up and applied the new thermal paste.

There is no discernible difference in processor temperatures or performance.

Any other suggestions?

TAA 100 is kind of high for a 2060. Try lowering to 70-75. As you’ve said, the problem seems to be just with MSFS. That would point to settings. There are lots of threads with settings with your hardware but turning down the animations would be a good start. Clouds, trees, cars etc. Anything that drops on the CPU.

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I have tried TAA of 50 and still have issues.

Right now I have just completed a windows reinstallation and will reinstall MSFS tomorrow. I’m not hopeful that’s going to fix this particular issue but I had some other issues pop up that indicated it was time. I’ll post the results after the machine is reloaded.

Here is the follow up, and I sincerely hope this helps others solve the persistent stuttering issues that have plagued this sim throughout most of its existence.

The stuttering was definitely caused by the CPU. It didn’t make sense to me that a 10th Gen i7 couldn’t keep up with MSFS, but at this point I believe it to be a combination of Asobo’s code slamming the processor and HP’s cooling system design (which isn’t very good) in the Omen laptop falling behind. The stuttering was in fact caused by the CPU bouncing between turbo mode and throttling due to heat. While the CPU is capable of 4.5 GHz +, once the heat builds up it attempts to protect itself.

As was previously suggested I used throttlestop to look at what was going on and make some changes. I changed the max speed that the processor could run based on how many cores were being utilized at any particular moment. With all 6 cores (12 threads) active I have reduced speed down to 3.8 GHz. 5 cores is limited to 4 GHz, 4 cores 4.2 GHz and so on.

The difference is profound. 95 percent of all stutters and hiccups are completely gone, and what little is left only occurs in really scenery dense areas and high demands. CPU temps are hovering in the 80’s with an occasional momentary spike to 90, but temps never get high enough to cause thermal throttling. It’s the best it’s ever been over the last year and a half, and I could make it better if I didn’t want to push the limits of resolution. Overall I’m ecstatic with the outcome.

Thanks everyone for all of the help and suggestions!


Amazing! Congrats OP and thanks for closing the loop. Fly safe

That is great to hear. Glad you can now enjoy yourself in the sim! :+1:

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