TFDI reveals MD-11 Pricing

I live in hope :smiley:

There have been vague statements by the Fenix team around pricing an also seeing PMDGs revised delivery model I can’t see them pricing a single variant of their 737 $30-40 above their DC6, but what do I know

In the end I just won’t buy them if they get too expensive, $100 USD is almost $150 NZD and that’s a hard pill to swallow.


Fenix seemed to aim for $70. I expect PMDG to do the same and then charge 15 to 20 extra per type variant. But it’s all guessing for now.

Have you tried the Toliss A319? I feel like they have really nailed the Pocket Rocket flight characteristics of that plane even when compared to the A320.

An A318 done correctly would be really good, especially if equipped with the Steep Landing system, also fun fact
 The A318 has a greater Power to weight ratio than the Concorde had.

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There’s always room for more variety
do you have any experience with TFDi?
Doesn’t seem so

No I’ve never bought one of their planes, are they supposed to be some kind of god tier sim developer?
I don’t go on past reputations in any case being relatively new to the current sim scene, I’m forming my impressions of various developers solely on what they are showing off and producing. I haven’t seen anything from TFDI suggesting that their product is even worth what they’re claiming.

And this will be the impression of the large proportion of the MSFS user base as well I’d wager.

PMDG have already delivered a great product in the DC6 and Fenix are showing off some impressive stuff. In this day and age and in this new platform just relying on your name is pretty pointless. I wish they’d show off what they’re doing and market the ■■■■ thing.

I’m all for more high end planes in the sim after all.


Neh I came over from a carefully tweaked and build FSX. My meager previous experience with Airbus was the Wilco versions of 'm which were fun but not great.

Eventually I only flew the PMDG’s and some good GA-stuff.

I do believe they can be quite different for the Airbus-lover but for me it’s just not that interesting I think. I prefer the difference to be bigger, like between an MD80 and a 737, addons wise. I’ll focus on utility with this great new platform or it will surely bankrupt me by the end of this year and 30+ great addons further. :smiley:

 at the same time, knowing me as I do, I’ll probably would scoop up an A319 on sale. It just won’t be a musthave for me upon release.


Actually they are right up there with the best.
They developed a B717 for FSX/P3D that was exceptionally well done.

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Being fairly new in the simworld, it’s good to be critical but you don’t have to sound cynical. :wink:


I’m making a point

While all of you may know and gush over this dev based on their past fame a large portion of the new sim userbase doesn’t. Of course that could change if they engaged and showed off their work a bit. Seems something the old guard like to do, keeping things close to their chest, even PMDG are largely guilty of it.

Meanwhile the new blood like Fenix and FBW are happily showing and telling, generating a dedicated following, hell there is a PC6 coming from a new dev FSG that’s literally gone through he whole build journey on the forum. It’s fantastic stuff to see and really gets the hype going.


Yea us prior customers hold them with just as high regard as PMDG.
They’ve had some hiccups in the past with the 717 product but they’ve listened to us customers and came back with solid solutions. This will be another instant buy for me.

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 I do agree to that particular point. I enjoy the open windows too, looking in, engaging. The new sim market is ‘no country for old men’ :wink: and we all know a few developers who are turning into them. Haha. Some of them are known to have build great products in the past but seeing them struggling now
 well. I honestly hope they’ll adapt soon enough.

Overall: I enjoy the new blood a lot too, how they’re passionate about being passionate.

If my memory serves, TFDI are the folks who developed windshield effects for sims (including wipers that actually did something), when everyone else, including MS said it couldn’t be done.
These folks don’t have to constantly be showing off their stuff, like: “look at me”!
They hold their cards close and play them when they know the hand is good.
They have a proven track record.

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Alot of us could totally feel the same about the overly cheerleading hype of the upcoming Fenix product from folks like you.:upside_down_face:
Yet we don’t come off as critical and cynical do we?
Let’s be fair here

Agree with this in that I’m new to flight simming (as an adult) so I’ve got my eye on everything, but I’m not going to let past reputation count for much because apparently that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

PMDG lived up to the hype, but I hear Captain Sim used to be really great and look at them now.

Not a huge fan of modern (in this case “modern”) tubeliners, but if this is reviewed highly I’ll probably pick it up.

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Who’s cheerleading? I may not even buy the Fenix depending on how well the FBW efforts work out but they’re going about marketing and building hype to a new generation of simmers the right way and they deserve credit for it.


Nohhh Captain Sim was never really great Six. I suppose it’s a lot like Aerosoft. They looked fairly good from a distance. But it wasn’t really near the top of the market. Very much in the middle.

The thing with those tubeliners, once developed like PMDG and Fenix and others, is how you will actually monitor systems that are simulated in depth. Getting nervous over the Mediterranean as your engine 2 oil temperatures deviate a lot from your number one, looking for clues, fiddling, checking your QRH, doubting if you should plan an alternate or if it’s just a glitch. Things like that. The FBW is really great and really going places further, but it doesn’t have that yet. I flew it today for 3 hours between Madrid en Bari, right across the Med, and that’s enjoyable for sure but you know the plane won’t behave surprisingly as the addon can’t really do that yet. It’s very predictable and stable.

Once they start doing that however, they feel really different and at times even a bit overwhelming. Giving you all the satisfactory once you handled a situation like a pro.


Captain Sim was never great

They were simply one of the first that made a half decent 707, 727, 737 lineup release.
So they won desperate customers by default. :rofl:
Even “half decent” is being very generous honestly


Captain Sim are a developer who specialized in niche planes.
They weren’t particularly well visualized, and they were full of bugs.
A trip to their forums will show you that.
I had almost all their older stuff, 737-200, 707, 727, 757, 767, 777, C130 etc.,
Quality wise they were all the same.
I bought them because they went on sale at Christmas for $10.00 each.

TDFI had their issues as well when they released the 717, but they kept at it and it became one of the better planes available.
Of course you are right, we won’t know until it is released, but having seen the way they worked on the 717, and with the way it worked in the sim, I would certainly think the MD11 will be similar.


Ah, I was under that impression that they were much higher quality pre MSFS.

Thanks guys!

And yeah I get what you mean @SkyVagrant4490 . Had a similar situation in the DC-6, oil temps on the number 1 were climbing. Not enough to be concerned yet, but upon digging around I found out she’d burned more oil and was down to about 30 gallons, so I moved some over from the aux tank. Very satisfying! I just love older prop planes more than modern commercial jets.

This looks small enough that it’s of interest.


Just curious - For the folks saying “no way at this price point”, how many of you have / had P3D or X-Plane? Prices like this were quite “normal” to see for a high-quality payware aircraft. Is the developer supposed to reduce the price because it’s being sold on another, even more capable and compelling flight sim platform like MSFS? One could argue the opposite. How dare they charge high prices on yesterday’s sim platforms! If the value is there, folks will pay the price.