I’m with you on that,
And to what it concerns me and only me,i will never pay above 50€ for an addon in a sim that cost me 70€
would be nice , but i dont see that going to happen, you have to go by reviews.
then you will never get a really top aircraft.
Oh yes ? I guess then the CRJ and the DC6 are not top planes?
Gotta agree to disagree on that one big time!
You do realise that this sim is largely based on FSX right? SU8 is only now changing that code for a very small portion on the updated flight model. A lot of these Devs cut their teeth on previous sims.
They clearly state this in the last Dev Update.
The CRJ is nowhere near as complex an addon as the TFDI MD11 is “supposed” to be (we won’t know for sure until it’s out, obviously).
Aerosoft has stated numerous times they don’t make their addons to that degree.
The DC-6, while very well done, is not a modern electronic cockpit.
Those old style gages and controls are much simpler to make, and does not require the amount of integration with the sim as the electronic cockpit with advanced autopilot, flight control computers, etc.
That is the principle reason PMDG was able to release the DC6 when they did. I don’t believe you can equate those to what we expect the MD11 to be.
I just want to be able to pick a Sim lol I cant have 2 mistress, they cost me a fortune but each provide what the other cant. I just want one that does it all… And that could very well be MSFS, but I needz planes that are complex (A32NX is the exception)
This thread proves that its clearly evident newer simmers will simply rush into a thread of a product, company and consumer base they have ZERO experience with nor knowledge about while babbling biased assumptions and false information trying to justify a product price they don’t agree with.
The CRJ nor DC6 are no where near the level of TFDI products in terms of depth and complexity.
Again this specific product from TFDI will sell to us simmers with prior experience with their products.
You don’t have to like the pricing and the comparisons with PMDG and Fenix are silly and aren’t gonna deter us from buying the TFDI MD-11. We have experience with this companie’s products…you simply DO NOT.
There are going to be other companies returning to the flight sim 3rd party payware scene you will not understand nor be knowledgeable of that doesn’t necessarily put them at the lower end of the totem pole as far as quality, customer service nor pricing🤣
dc 6 is top, but the new planes open up another level.
i am not a fan of the crj.
i have no problems with these pricings.
Is this simply because a 1940s-era plane does not have all the bells and whistles of a modern-era jet, or is there more to it than that?
I agree with what you said.
And if HotStart ever come to MSFS people need to prepare for $70 for a GA and like I just paid for the CL650 $110 for a Biz Jet. However what you get especially for the CL650 is kind of unrivalled.
Don’t think of planes or High end planes as DLC, they are simulations within Simulators.
You act like I’m over here taking sides against them or something when I’m simply trying to find out more about them or their product.
What in the ■■■■ sort of response is this to an honest question?
You can get a scope of TFDi’s past craftsmanship and quality from the links below with the 717.
I believe it’s supposedly easier to create steam gauges in the sim than digital systems but I have zero knowledge of programming so I’m just relaying someone’s take on that.
With regards to these tubeliners. I once read that on average a 747 autopilot/automated flight systems in cruise makes close to 11 million calculations and decisions …per second. Now obviously our home hardware will not be able to do that, lacking processor power. But it does present a rough estimate of how many sensors are being read out at the same time, coming together in systems that make decisions and adjustments to keep the aircraft straight and level, 12 km above the earth.
Again, that’s not simulated, not even in a Tfdi or PMDG but it presents a rough difference between a DC6 gyropilot tracking a VOR on inbound course or and FMS descending a 737-800 during a complex arrival on VNAV and LNAV.
There’s a lottttt going on behind those electronic displays. And if you want to simulate them well, you have to go really in depth with your coding.
Welcome to the MSFS2020 Forum
If there’s no drama, are you even really in this hobby?
Honestly, as a simmer since the days of FSFW '95: pricing doesn’t bother me, as long as the quality matches that expectation. For newcomers, there are plenty of cheap and cheerful options available in the marketplace. Fly those and be happy.
Some aircraft are niche enough that you’re only expected to see one, possibly two study level add-ons of that type. And if we’re only getting one study level MD11 - I want it to be the absolute best it can be. No missing features, every knob and dial working in it. But that takes a lot of manhours and costs. So yeah, these are expensive.
Even if they lowered the price, plenty of people would never buy it. Or even, regret buying it if they did because the aircraft would be too complex for them to fly or too demanding on their system.
There’s a very narrow sliver of people who are willing to spend that price for a very niche experience. If you’re looking at price as a factor - you’re (probably) not in that sliver.
An 11900k can do more than 6000 million calculations per second. Per core!
So probably some of them can be branched off for the AP calculations
If you have a CPU with integrated GPU, Fenix are working on this cool feature that allows you to use this GPU to run the displays in the cockpit and then use your main GPU to draw the rest of the sim world. I can’t wait to see how that works out!
As an aside, back in the 1970’s the United States Navy wanted to replace their C-130/C-118 cargo fleets with the Boeing 727, why, three engines, as then USN did lots of over water travel, and it was felt three were better than 2 (DC-9 was what they got). This in effect eliminated then OTW cargo flying, however! As time would have it, better more reliable engines were coming along, with better, maintenance costs reduction, and more thrust, which in today’s world does not limit a two-engine plane doing travel all over world, which in fact is what takes place. The day of the 4-engine behemoth is mostly over, BA cut 747 productions, Airbus is talking about stopping the 380 productions (think I got the number correct), they are big, costly to maintain, and fuel hogs, compared to 787 or even the 737-Max, or the airbus model. More smaller distance routes as well. MD-11 might have been tech marvel in CP. The pilots I knew who flew them, hated that cockpit. It took computer degree to fly plane they remarked. Now I get, older pilots, not used to tech, but one remarked you could not just take over controls, as plane would fight you if you tried. I never was RLP, nor did I fly planes, just what told. We all have our favorites, mine is C-17, F-14, used to be 747, but this game has mucked it up, so don’t fly it much, it’s a pig in this game, same for 787. In FSX it was a hot-rod to me, much better performance and flight model was better. So, aftermarket planes modeled correctly will surely make a difference. Asobo should just turn over the plane development to the 3rd party vendors, so we get good ones.