It is impossible to enjoy this Simulator on Xbox. Therefore, it’s impossible to beta test the AAU2 beta. The reason? The black screen avionics issue on Xbox. Developers, please imagine this: spending almost half an hour to set up the 787 correctly, then switching only 1 time to external view( because we still lack a descent pushback option by the way), switch back to the cockpit only greeted by all black avionics!! Can you possibly imagine the frustration??
I’m really done with this Sim on Xbox. In my opinion, this Simulator is not suited for people who want to fly with just a littlebit of realism on Xbox. Please be honest about this. It’s OK for some arcade flying and stuff, not for a littlebit of realism.
Yes, I admit those black screens happened on a 3rd party airport but seriously, after 2 plus years why is this still an issue? I hope this get read by someone over at Asobo.
I don’t have this problem but it should get a high priority for fixing. Even if it’s a 3rd party airport. The airport was purchased from The marketplace and needs to work with the SIM. Either it gets removed or the SIM works with it.
It should be THE highest priority in my opinion, above anything else. Even put a hold on adding things to the Sim on Xbox, this should be fixed. ASAP. Period.
It’s very strange how everyone is having different experiences. I’m on Series X and in the AAU2 beta. I have flown the 787 and 747 probably 10 hours total at this point including a 2 hour flight today from KCLT to KDFW (Charlotte to Dallas). Haven’t had a single black screen yet. I did have one CTD a couple days ago. Though as we are discussing in other threads LOD and draw distance are garbage right now. Pics of how bad KDFW looked, which is one of the bespoke sim airports:
With all due respect guys, i have read things like “how can we have such different experiences” and “try delete your rolling cache” etc etc for almost 2 years now. Yes sure, I do have enough great flights. Those are the ones when I fly from and too default airports. Then, there’s nothing to complain. Occasionally, I can have a great experience with 3rd party ones asd well, but in at least 75% of those flight I experience either black avionics, a CTD, or both. It happens when I’m cold&dark at departure, on short final at arrival or when I’m taxing to the gate. I reckon the Sim has improved, sure. But the black screen issue remains, you can’t deny that. Now that we get our hands on some more advanced aircraft(AAU2, ATR, upcoming PMDG 737 etc) this is becoming more and more of an issue.
Secondly, I fly without rolling cache for months and months now.
The point that I’m trying to make is, this Sim on Xbox isn’t made for Simmers who want to use 3rd party addons, in particular airports. Yes, some might work without facing the issues mentioned, but sooner or later you definitely encounter them as well.
I’m at the point of giving up on this Sim on Xbox, for the purpose of how I want to play this Sim myself. With 1628hrs in this Sim on Xbox, that is my personal conclusion. Perhaps, over time they can improve things, but for now I don’t want to spend so much time on this Sim, knowing that I always have to be on edge for the next black screen or CTD. It’s an accident waiting to happen. I can’t and won’t wait for it to improve any longer, if ever.
Edit: the black screens and CTD’s on 3rd party content, I know for 100% it’s memory related. The 16GB on XSX just isn’t enough, let alone the 10GB on XSS. Especially because of how it use this memory.
I can understand getting disillusioned with the sim on Xbox but I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s not enjoyable. I did my first full instrument flight in the ATR last night, ATH-CFU, and just as I was about to turn finals… CTD! Pretty annoying after over an hour of everything going perfectly.
But I just start over and see what the next mission brings.
It has been said that overload of the servers could be a contributory cause of CTDs and black screens but I don’t know how true that is. I know they experience CTDs on PC too — maybe not as often but it does happen.
We can either enjoy what we have, or pack the Xbox into a corner and forget about it till such time as Asobo creates a fix.
I agree that it should be the highest priority, though. I’d never even noticed those windsocks blowing the wrong way in the wind!
As for rolling cache, no one really seems to know what it does, and how it affects the sim. All those CTDs I had over the weekend, in quick succession, were with the rolling cache off! It seems to have an almost Placebo effect at times, where you think it’s having some impact, but in reality you’re likely just having a settled streak! I still haven’t had a single CTD at a default or Asobo hand-crafted airport — but that doesn’t mean much since I rarely fly into/out of them! There is possibly light at the end of the tunnel, however, because I have never had a CTD at a Pyreegue airport — and I fly into them regularly.
I will probably end up buying a PC but not yet. So I’m stuck with Xbox for now. I think the problem is that the new breed of add-ons we’re seeing, coupled with the increasingly complexity of the base sim, is exceeding the Xbox’s capabilities. It’s exceeding those of the best PCs too — the difference being, the PC will catch up to the sim WAY before Xbox does!
Yeah, but as others have stated, not everyone has these problems. I have add on aircraft and airports and I can count my CTD on one hand, I’ve never had the black screen thing either. For me the sim and graphics are amazing and Iv’e been simming since the Sublogic days. I read the “Sim Is Broken” and similar posts and think surely I’m not the only one on Xbox that doesn’t have these constant problems. Every time I load up the sim, I fly for hours at a time and it works with no problems every time. I would be interesting to see the results if we did a poll on this.
You are where I was a few weeks ago. Never had the black screens till a couple of weeks back. And very rarely had CTDs. There must be certain sceneries or aircraft that significantly increase the risk of these anomalies because, as you say, it seems to affect people in totally different measures.
I can empathise with UnitedArt, because it’s annoying going from the perfect experience to a very troubled one practically overnight. I spent hours simming one day last week, running very complex sceneries, and had no issues. But the weekend just gone was horrendous — I could barely do half-an-hour without a CTD or black screen! If we, with guidance from Asobo, could succinctly pin down the cause, we’d at least have something to work with.
Same, I almost exclusively use add-on airports and have runway graphics etc. I do feel for those with CTD and black screens, it’s not like I don’t believe it’s happening. In the LOD/Graphics thread there are some that say their graphics are better than ever, when mine I the worse they’ve ever been. The inconsistencies are strange because we all (on Xbox) have the same hardware
So what did you buy those couple of weeks back that may have tipped you over the CTD edge?
For me it was SU8 that started it, SU9 was actually unusable, since then it has improved but not to anywhere near a satisfactory level. SU12 is worse again than SU11.
If there was a check box to disable an add-on in the content manager I’d spend some time disabling them and then enabling to see if I could find any culprits. Sadly on xbox we don’t even have that option, all we can do is delete the add-on and then download it again. This is not practical for A-B tests and so I don’t waste my time on them.
What I have done is to use cloud where there are no add-ons installed, then I just install what I want to try. But cloud can’t use a flight stick or mouse so not much use, and I’ve even seen CTD there.
The thing that stops me from abandoning the sim is the sheer variety of choices and options for flying. Airliners between modelled airports is a disaster, and if that is all you wanted then just don’t bother. On the other hand, flying between smaller locations in a wide range of planes is usually OK (still occasional CTD or black screens though). I’m flying the CJ4 at the moment, it has great depth on the FMC even if half of the switches are INOP. Unlike the A310 it does not crash every time I fly it.
Bush flying is great fun and usually works too. I for one appreciate the windsock fix because flying VFR or bush flying from/to small strips with no weather service it really matters which way the wind is blowing and the windsock is all we have. It’s not like you can step outside and feel the wind like IRL.
After 2 years and countless times experiencing these scenario’s, i just can’t take it anymore. Sure, i can fly my El-AL 787 from LIRF to LLBG which i was about to yesterday using just the default airports, but why did i spend $30 on both of these airports then? This is just one example of many.
Other then airports and aicraft, what other addons o you use? Zinertek advanced runways? LVFR ground vehicles replacements? Others? I use all of them, maybe it’s that what is causing issues? I don’t know anymore.
Black Screen on most of my Purchased aircraft, traffic lights still floating 3 feet up, runway graphics I can’t read while on final and CTD periodically.
“I was sold a dream”. I used to fly x-plane on MAC at 9 fps so I’m still invested in XBOX (s). I don’t live in hope these problems will every get sorted, lets face it
If they could they would have been sorted early on. “We need more power captain” Will the PMDG737 be a wise purchase €60 – 80 I doubt it but I will continue to live and dream.
I think that depends. Using the Vanilla Sim, all is fine most of the time. Adding some addons into the mix, not so much…Actually, not only add-ons causing stability and performance issues of all kinds.
My opinion? Since add-ons are a big part of the Sim and also advertised/promoted as such (Marketplace) , i think a “not” is very much justified, at this time of writing at least.
Rolling cache helps when flying close to photommetric cities. Best example is NYC. With rolling cache off, fly a heli close to Empire state Building until the highest LOD has loaded. Then fly out over the hudson river, and then back to Empire. Now the high LOD of the building should have to re-download again from the servers.
With rolling cache on, the high LOD stays locally in the xbox once downloaded. So going back and forth between Empire and Hudson should not cause Empire to go low detail anymore during the same flight.
Changing the size of the rolling cash multiple times may corrupt the msfs reserved storage on xbox.
Did an experiment increasing the cache bit by bit up to 1TB (largest possible size of msfs reserved storage) and then back down again, which eventually killed the reserved storage.
Qualified guess: NOT changing the rolling cache size is good for the sim. Whoever disables the rolling cache also has less trouble for the same reason.
But leaving the cache alone at default 8gb can work just as good. Havnt touched it since sim clean reinstall and its working very good.
I can confirm that. PG looks best with rolling cache enabled on XSX. I think it’s best to leave it at default 8 gb size. I haven’t even deleted or recreated the rolling cache file in about 6 months and haven’t had any problems with frame rate or stability. I can’t remember the last time I had a CTD.
Clean install of Vanilla Sim = sim works excellent.
Adding 200 addons with a size of 200gb CAN work excellent too. But keep adding addons and eventually your local copy of the sim will start getting a personality, or even break.
My new install doesnt CTD or blackscreen like my old install. But lately started to stutter more and more.
Why problems appear after “some addons” for some, like UnitedArt, or after 200 addons like with my present install, I can not say yet. Theres a Nobel Prize of Flightsimming waiting for whoever finds out.