I’ve been very discriminating when it comes to 3rd party add-ons for the Xbox, basically keeping to developers with good track records and support (Orbx, Simwork Studios, Milviz, Aerosoft, ini, now PMDG). The Drzewiecki KRNT was crashy at first but has chilled out since AAU1. I’ve actually avoided Carenado even though they’re a big developer because they tend be stingy with patches. Being selective with what you install seems to have a huge impact on the Xbox experience. Also no WASM issues for me with the An-225.
As an aside, I also have a 2TB storage expansion card and set my internal drive to X360 games only, which might have shunted everything over to the expansion slot? I’m not sure if I’m hitting that 500GB reserve space ceiling that others have been reporting; seems like everything FS-associated has been ending up on the expansion card.
Just another thought worth sharing: I’d say the difference between how MSFS runs on the Series X and Series S is greater than the difference between Series X and a very high-end PC.
One thing’s for sure: they will continue to improve the Xbox version, even if the PC’s improvements are more frequent/dramatic. And that can only be good news!
I really hope the upcoming Asobo ATR-42/72 is going to truly demonstrate what WASM can do. I need something study-level and, with the discount for Premium/Deluxe users, it’ll certainly be cheaper than the PMDG 737!
On the Xbox Series X photogrammetry and / or LOD has degraded again. Terrain textures have also gotten worse. Please fix/ update sim update 12, Asobo.
Hi, been using the Series S for about a year now. Can say the last 2-3 months have been really enjoyable with maybe just one CTD.
Loved the NZ update, spent some time trying to learn a bit of IFR/auto pilot etc.
I bought the Series S based on cost (and availability at the time!). Perfect for the amount of time I sim.
Have even now been confident enough to dip back into the marketplace. Next purchase will be AKL.
I won’t start writing a wishlist but live traffic liveries would be great!
I am extraordinarily tight fisted when it comes to the MSFS Marketplace. There is so much unbridled trash masquerading as something you’d want to spend money on. That being said, I took at chance on iniBuild’s KDTW and I am very glad I did. It is outstanding. It got a five star rating from me.
As far as the de-icing pads, I don’t know anything about them. The weather at KDTW has been warming up and has been well above freezing ever since I purchased the airport. I have not seen the de-icing pads being used and I have no idea if you can use them yourself. I’m sorry I don’t have more information for you in that regard.
All that being said, if you don’t mind spending the money, it is a dead-on accurate visual representation of Detroit Metro.
In my experience, Sim Update 9 was a low point for MSFS on Xbox, but ever since the team has improved stability and performance leaps and bounds on the console. Apart from some long-standing shortcomings that affect both platforms, technically speaking the Xbox version is probably the best it’s ever been. The loading time is acceptable and the sim is very stable, I basically don’t experience crashes at all and am fully confident to use any aircraft anywhere in the world, and go on any length of flight. This is how it should be. And of course, with the nav system improvements and AAUs on the way the overall level of fidelity is amazing, even with some of the default aircraft. It’s a great time to be a simmer on Xbox.
I agree. It’s in a great state currently.
I haven’t been following upcoming features and changes a lot lately. What are the nav system improvements that are on the way?
Hey, right on! MacOS, Linux, and Xbox here. Just can’t do Windows anymore but I still get to play MSFS. Good times we’re living in!
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The various Garmin systems have been completely overhauled which makes the corresponding default aircraft much better to fly, and the recent “Aircraft and Avionics Update 1” (AAU1) has improved three planes as well, the TBM930, the Citation CJ4 and the Citation Longitude. Better sounds, flight models, performance and nav systems fidelity. The same kind of treatment can be expected for other default aircraft as well in the future, we don’t yet know which ones exactly.
I do not have an Xbox, however, am somewhat interested ever since the GPU price gougers came to town. Can the Xbox use more than one display or is that its’ limitation.
Seems there are so many things that the Xbox does very well and most all games except MSFS only need one screen anyway. Thanks for your comments.
As far as i have seen:
No multiple screens
No Vat-sim
No head tracking
No DLC outside marketplace
Despite the above, I am very happy with my Xbox SX and MSFS.
The sim is in its best state it has ever been on Xbox Series X. I have full confidence I can complete the longest flights without CTD (in fact I haven’t had a crash in months) and the graphics are stunning. Let’s hope it stays this way and we won’t see any more disasters like Sim Update 11.
This sim runs superb now on the series x ! Very nice and smooth even with most 3rd party applications. The state of the Xbox is heading in the absolute right direction! Keep it up guys !
My textures do degrade occasionally, but usually it’s either I’m having trouble with my connection, or my cache is full.
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Lots of very informative replies… Many thanks !
This is a known issue. Asobo is also confirming that terrain textures and photogrammetry are both broken again in the latest Sim update 12. There is a thread here regarding this issue with over a thousand comments from players around the world.
Here is the link where this issue is listed. Scroll down to where it says BUGS - LIFETIME.
Yet still, when I use the drone to explore a new airport I bought (the bigger, more demanding ones) for let’s say 15 to 20 minutes too often it happens that when I return to the cockpit my avionins won’t go on. That’s the only thing can think of right now that still needs to be sorted.
If you think MSFS looks good now, then at one point when sim update 12 was in beta, it looked way better.
The final version of sim has damaged the photogrammetry and terrain textures again.
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