The Sim on Xbox is (not?) Sublime Right Now

And the biggest deal-breaker for me – no Air Manager on consoles. I, personally, would never run MFS without Air Manager panels on touchscreens. But to each, his own. I’m glad that so many Xbox flight simmers are so happy with it.

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I’m happy with the mouse for using the virtual cockpits. I didn’t even know what air manager is, but I do now. I don’t think it would work well on my sofa. Already a bit cluttered with hotas mouse keyboard controller and pedals, plus phone for charts etc!

What I really want is VR but that’s a whole new level of cost/trouble/experience. One day…

I think when you consider the cost of a PC GPU that runs MSFS @ comparative quality is probably the same price (or more) as an XB:X, let alone the rest of the computer, it’s an absolute bargain.


I agree, 90% of the time it looks fantastic, but at times I also notice pop in, the far away scenery limited by the draw distance, seems to pop in now.
Never noticed that before.

I can’t remember but do you use rolling cache, I do currently with 16gb cache.

No, don’t use rolling cache.

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I guess I shouldn’t either, as I fly different places and have a decent internet speed.

I think the pop in occasionally is a bug with SU12, I don’t see it all the time though.

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Didn’t know where to post this so thought I would ask here, since the sim has improved on xbox and there has been minor improvements to live traffic. If I use real time/live traffic is there any need to have ground aircraft density set to, lets say 50 or 100.
If I set to 0 would live traffic fill the gates at big international airports, or does it still look empty without some static aircraft at gates?


I have real-time online and have ground aircraft at 75. Also airport vehicle and workers at 30. I chose these because I like the balance. In particular I like some workers and vehicles but they behave so badly in the sim I need to keep the number of them low!

I’m considering turning off aircraft traffic entirely. I’m still getting too many CTD in the A310 (although none in the vision jet which I’ve been flying a lot recently) and also on the ATC going silent thread there’s a number of commenters saying turning off traffic prevents ATC loss, which is a really annoying bug.

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I was thinking putting aircraft density to zero but the airports would look a little sparse with traffic I presume, will have to test how well the live traffic is inputted at the gates at big airports.

no it won’t look empty, gate will be filled with live traffic aircraft only .

for my opinion the best way is to set ground density aircraft to 0 and keep Real live traffic on

on big airports, you still will have a lot of traffic with this setting but AI airplanes are not really fun to watch…


I agree with this topic that MSFS is an incredible achievement for Xbox. The experience keeps getting better and better, still we have many years ahead of us.

It’s rather humorous now that the amount of add ons purchased are far greater than the cost of the Series X, now that’s a testament to how much I’ve immersed myself into the sim. Yes, it’s that good.

My hats off to the MSFS team and third party developers. We have quite the gem on Xbox.


Such a great statement and oh so true!


Starting this thread back up because since SU12 my XSX has been performing as good as I could ask. Draw distance was unnoticeable, LOD was great. But since this Oceania WU my draw distance, building and vegetation rendering is back to terrible. Any one else experiencing this? I’ve mainly only been flying the ATR

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It got worse with SU12 and so far as I can see it’s stayed like it with WU13.

Seems to be mixed experience with SU12. Mine has been great and I can’t complain….until now with the WU.

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I think it is highly location dependant. I’ve been flying a lot in Oceania and I’ve seen a lot of truly terrible textures. But when I go back to New Zealand or parts of the US it looks amazing. I think the WU had no impact on the game itself, it just caused people to go fly where the terrain is suboptimal.


Thing is I fly my normal east coast USA routes, that hasn’t changed. But the distance rendering definitely has

To me xbox x now is not perect of course but I have great flights with it on A310 and never had a crash or black screen since SU12 and, fingers crossed WU13. Amazing what they have done on console and to now see PMDG 737 coming soon from what they are saying.


Many here like to bash the Xbox and its users but the main issue is not the console’s inability to run complex add-ons, but the way the system is designed, operated and managed. The new testing protocol should change this but I imagine it’s gonna take a while for that to take full effect. Having discussed the Xbox conundrum with two renowned devs, it appears the biggest hurdle has been the inability to test directly on the platform, resulting in handicapped products as merely a pre-emptive measure.

I was watching a video the other day of a high-end PC tackling NZA’s Nelson airport, in New Zealand, and the texture drop-out was akin to what I’ve experienced on console. The only difference I can discern between the two platforms is the texturing of the shop in the terminal, which is much more intricate in the PC version. Let’s also remember that some incredibly detailed sceneries run fabulously on Xbox so performance is partly down to how diligent the dev’s programming is.

There’s this myth that everything runs great on high-end PCs but poorly on Xbox, and it’s simply not the case. I’m certainly not saying the Xbox is the better machine — because it very obviously isn’t — but there are definitely fewer parameters to worry about. Of course the PC platform can be constantly and incrementally upgraded, which is a luxury we do not have — but I am hopeful that the Xbox will soon be able to be upgraded in some way. Surely it wouldn’t be impossible to add memory via the USB ports, or improve the tech specs using clever firmware?

To get the sim running nicely on PC costs thousands, rather than hundreds. So if you can deal with the current Xbox shortcomings (which will hopefully become fewer as time goes on) it’s a very viable option.


Oh that’s interesting. I’m as much in the dark as you I guess, but I’ve experienced my share of bad LOD in this game and I’m sorry that it’s happening on your routes.

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