The V-22 Osprey from Miltech Simulations

I can’t argue with most of your points but the aircraft does not seem overly sensitive in APLN mode to me. In fact I personally think it handles extremely well. Also the most recent sim update made turbulence a lot more noticeable generally so that point may not be specific to the Osprey either.

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I tweaked my sensivity curves and it handles better now.
Found a way to reproduce the AP bug I was talking about and I’m discussing with LikedHare478430 to pinpoint what is causing it.

So far I like it… It’s a very different piloting experience. Full disclosure: I haven’t read the full manual yet…

My biggest complaint: Using the Thrustmaster TCA throttle with plain vanilla linear curves for the sensitivity, the throttle range is microscopic for me. There’s about half an inch of play between cut and full, which makes VTOL operations very, very, very difficult, as you might guess. This is with the “normal” engine axis, not the “0-100” axis, so maybe changing to the latter would fix things. I’ll give it a go and update this post if it fixes the issue.

I haven’t noticed any extra sensitivity or jitterbugging. But then, I don’t use live weather. The Sting (which was the worst of the planes this occurred with) would jitter around like a tasered bro on live weather, even in light to no wind, but switching to presets or (eventually) REX Weather Force fixed the issue. I’d check with a preset weather option and see if the sensitivity/jitter is still there; if not, blame live weather. (I blame live weather for a lot of things, frankly…)

I think the vertical flight mode must be fairly well done at worst, as I’m having the exact same issues slowing down and stopping that I do with the H145 (not a problem with the product, a problem with the user, who can only barely fly helicopters).

Last flight I had a sharp pitch up when doing the initial transition from airplane mode (it happened as soon as I hit the tilt up key). Just mentioning it - I’m guessing it may be the flaps deploying?

The cameras could use a bit of work, tbh. I know that the real Osprey is what it is, but the default pilot view for me on a 15" (I think?) laptop screen leaves the PFD data too small to read. The engine data is already too small to read, but at least you have the fill for engine torque to use as a guide. Do real Osprey pilots have HMDs? Also it could use a landing camera pushed further forward to help see over the nose. Probably not as big an issue in VR, or if I had my headtracker going (can’t use it during the day due to windows, alas), because I guess you could just lean forward.

I sprung for the amphib package too. VERY nice for the price., but then the GHWB was a really nice product as well, so no surprises.

EDIT: I tried the 0-100 axis on the throttle; the in-cockpit throttle didn’t even move before 50%. Using my keen power to divide by two, I’ve determined that the Osprey is only using half of the numerical output range for the throttle input. Solution is to move the neutral position to eliminate the half the throttle isn’t using. That seems to give me a proper throw on the TCA. Testing continues!


Question: Do you think it would be easier to wait for WASM implementation or could you work with the upcoming native flight model?

Just looking through your PM, I’ll review the issue and we’ll work on a fix.

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I’m unable to reproduce the issue with throttle. As soon as I apply a minimal amount of throttle on my quadrant (single axis mapped to “throttle”), I see the aircraft react (see: NP/NR/NG):


15% throttle:

50% throttle:

Aircraft takes off at around 60%. Works as expected on my end, all config on the joystick is set to the default MSFS values.

The new helicopter flight model will only include vertical flight dynamics. WASM code will be required to “bridge” between the vertical and horizontal flight modes.

Ah, ok. Fair enough.

The throttle REACTS fine - that’s not the issue. The issue is that the usable range of the throttle is very narrow. Your screenies partially demonstrate what I’m seeing:

Idle: NP/NR 72, Torque 2, NG 70
15%: NP/NR 77, Torque 2, NG 74
50%: NP/NR 90, Torque pegged, NG 87

And 50% is about where it starts to be energetic enough to maintain a decent speed in aircraft mode. 60% is takeoff level, as you note – NG up to about 92 or so I think – and by 75% I’m about in the 98+NG red zone where you can’t operate for more than 60 seconds.

That means the ENTIRE usable throw of the throttle – the range that covers everything from landing stall speed to max output – occupies only a little more than one tenth of the total throw. On the TCA, 1/10th of the throw is slightly less than an inch. It’s hard to make fine adjustments with that little room for error. A real Osprey throttle is (a) a lot bigger, and (b) has more extensive friction controls to keep it precisely where you put it (and, of course, is specifically calibrated for the aircraft), so even if this is RL-accurate, it’s not particularly helpful as far as the sim goes. That’s the issue for me.

Don’t get me wrong, too - this isn’t a dealbreaker by any means. It’s a QOL issue. I really like the plane; it’s very well done, and likely to only get better as the additional features and SU11 tech gets added.

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This is a great point. The real thing was in development for decades!


I did buy the full “tripple-pack” … and the Osprey is clearly the aircraft I have been waiting for … so long.

I love it and did enjoy playing around with it for a couple of hours.

But if people expect “perfect” then I would recommend to wait a little. It is a very impressive “work in progress”, and perhaps more like a v0.9. I have not noticed the sound bug that @BanKhokklan did report, but there are a number of major issues which I did bump into during my first 3 flights. Here is a quick (constructive) feedback from the top of my head:

  • Autopilot “Hold airspeed” … does not work for me as it is “fighting” my throttle input
  • Autopilot “VS” … also does not work for me
  • Trim feels inconsistent … or sometimes “gone”
  • “Wing fold” did work … but then it got stuck and I could not unfold it
  • A number of default MSFS command bindings are not mapped to useful V-22 behavior (e.g. lights)
  • Feels way too “shaky” (too “light”) in regular airplane mode (which seems to use the regular MSFS physics)

Especially the autopilot bugs prevent me from making this my default aircraft, as sightseeing tours only make fun on autopilot.

I am very glad to hear what @LikedHare478430 said … and I am looking forward to the next updates.

This is such an amazing aircraft … and such a good start for a virtual model.

My main question for @LikedHare478430 would be:

  • What is the recommended place to provide “bug feedback”? … here? … or is there a different forum where the developer would prefer to get our feedback?

This Goose is so happy about having an new Osprey friend.


Bought this earlier today and finally got to fly it. I haven’t had the issues with the AP regarding VS and Speed Hold. Both worked fine for me.

I did have an issue with starting a second flight, all the displays go wonky. Nothing is legible. And second flight I get a master error saying I need to map my controls when they’re mapped and working.

I sent these issues to their email. Their website says you can use FB too but I don’t do FB.

I think it’s off to a good start! I hope we see timely updates.

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I am really liking the Osprey. It is a challenging aircraft to fly correctly and that’s a good thing. I’m excited to see how it gets improved over time. And even if it doesn’t, it’s an enjoyable experience. I have noticed some of the bugs that others have already mentioned so I won’t repeat those points. but I do have one question that may just be related to my setup specifically,

Although there is one throttle that controls both rotors, I had to map Throttle 1 Axis and Throttle 2 Axis. When only Throttle 1 Axis was mapped to by Honeycomb Bravo, the throttle of the left seat would move but the throttle on the right seat wouldn’t. This was confirmed by the engine status page as well. Left rotor torque would spool up but right rotor torque didn’t move. Should I just map both axis to the same lever?

Thank you for this product and thanks in advance for any help on this issue. :ok_hand:

Ha, very interesting issue here…

All of our testing has been done with throttle axis set to “Throttle” instead of throttle1/throttle2 since both engines are interconected.

For MSFS and the systems, both engines are fully independent, and therefore spool independently.

For the aircraft physics, it behaves as a single engine, in which the power from both engines is combined.

I don’t think it’s possible to have either “throttle 1” or “throttle 2” to control both engines, as these are consideres separate by MSFS, as this is uncommon for aircraft. It is, however, common in helicopters - and SU11 may bring some improvements there.

I’ll take a look at this. If we are unable to find a solution, the best way forward would be creating a controller profile just for the Osprey, and map your controller axis to “Throttle”

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Throttle 1 and 2 mapped to the same lever should work as long as the plane is reacting to it. I’ve had to do this with Logitech TQ for some twin prop planes.

All flights start with the “map controls to cowl flap…” message. This can be awknowledged by moving your nacelles up and then down by a few degrees, so the aircraft checks that both keys are correctly assigned. This is a design choice as per explained in the manual.

The “funky displays” -I don’t quite understand the issue. Screenshots would be very helpful!

Looks like a challenging plane to fly … GREAT !!

The Prop / ground clearance sure looks very small !!


Optical Illusion ?


Seems to be consistent with photos of real parked Ospreys. Since the engines never even run in this configuration and the props stop in a specific spot (one blade straight up) not much ground clearance is required.

I guess trying to land an Osprey in airplane configuration would not end well with half of the props tearing up the runway. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: