SU10 significantly ruined thermals compared to what was in SU9.
- The restriction of the maximum vertical speed of the thermal in 500ft/min has not changed. In real life, this speed can reach 2500ft/min.
- The dependence of the vertical velocity of the termal on the density of the clouds has changed. In general, this is not very fundamental, since the density of the clouds can be increased without a deterioration in the appearance of the clouds. It is necessary to increase the density of the clouds in old weather presets.
- The influence of the height of the cloud layer has changed, has become more proportional. For the proper operation of the old weather presets, it is advisable to increase the height of the upper boundary of the cloud layer.
- The effect of air temperature in the Earth has changed, became more proportional. For the proper operation of the old weather, it is advisable to increase the air temperature.
- The influence of the speed of horizontal wind has changed. For the proper operation of the old weather presets, it is advisable to set the wind speed above 2 KTS.
- It is very wrong when thermals continue to actively act at the height inside the clouds and even significantly higher than the clouds. It was in SU9, it remained in SU10. I managed to easily gain a height in the thermal above the cloud above 30,000FT.
- In the SU9, the dependence of the vertical speed of the termal on the time of day was well implemented. The maximum activity of thermals corresponded to the time 13:00 - 16:00 day. In SU10, this dependence has completely disappeared, now thermals are equally active day and at night.