Thermals, Up & Downdrafts - Realism Update/ Airmass Simulation

The best bet for first ‘‘bigger’’ improvements is in half 2 of this year, so we are sadly still >>at least<< 2 months away from any new/reworked wind feature which is linked to the glider release.

The H2 got removed without any comment, but I guess it’s still pretty much the targeted time window, if any release was sheudled for the next 2 months we would already know… but the next thing is further new propeller and CFD sim implementation ;(

and after that we can get our hopes up.

I’m hopeful that gliding is on the devs board to finish before July. I did some gliding using the freeware, but the weather engine needs to be more developed. The devs did promise all this in the feature series. Ridge lift is all I’ve seen working in game and it seems like the lift is further away from the peaks than it would be in theory. With thermals, I would say 2000ft/min is more or less the average maximum normal you would see. Sure, you could have 15000ft/min in the upper levels of a monster thunderhead.

Some people will post about what seems unrealistic in flight simulator, but all of these moments weather do exist in real life. It’s why pilots don’t fly into thunderstorms. Your plane can literally come tumbling out of the sky.

This would be my vote on progression:

  1. Create thermals using map features and weather as a trigger. Things like plowed fields, clouds & cities for updrafts, marshland for downdrafts(2000fpm max). Add exclusion zone around airports if necessary.

  2. Fix ridge lift and how its calculated. Add wave lift if ridge lift fix doesn’t fix it.

3)Rework thunderstorms using cloud top and precip maps making it possible to incorporate updrafts/downdrafts in excess of 2000fpm.

4)Improved rendering/addition of all the different cloud formations.

I would assume MSFS weather plans were probably sidetracked by the conflicting aviation weather reports and it’s metroblue system. Common sense right, what weather do pilots use while aviating? Always prioritize METAR surface wind and barometric data within a certain distance of the airport. Can’t wait to see the progression.


Would be nice to know if anyone noticed any differences in the final Simupdate 9 release.
At least no update was officially listed in the changelog (sadly).

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atmospheric flow visualisation not in SU9 , so yeah half 2 of this year gonna be in the name of up&down drafts… :smiley:

at 00:43:08 another statement about up&down drafts / turbulences !

I think that you misunderstood this “dev tools visualization” part - this is what I posted about it on facebook “MS Flight Simulator Gliders” group:

Seems that SU9 now have new updraft implementation that allows thermalling:

Accordintg to today’s Q&A with developers - when they were talking about “Dev Visualization Tools” (like airflow around fuselage visualization) that were presented on the previous Q&A Session - they provide important information, starts about 8:10 in the stream :

Sebastian says: “The only thing I showed which is not yet there [in SU9] is the atmospheric flow VISUALIZATION. So the ATMOSPHERIC FLOW IS THERE, that’s how the air is currently moving, I think in the video you could see that water, cities, forests all behave differently, fields(?) and create different kind of turbulences, updraft and wind, but the TOOL TO SEE THIS is not yet there.”.

So to my understanding the updrafts are now ON, just the airflow visualization tool (that simply shows artificial lines flowing to see what is normally invisible, like thermal visualization) is not in SU9.

I did a quick test that seems to confirm this - used “Clear skies” as initial preset, set date to July 21 2022 and time around 13:00 (at later part of stream they say that to avoid turbulences you should fly in winter or early/late in the day) and it seems that I was able to climb even with default 15Deg temperature (instead of previous method that required about 50Deg) - I removed wind, but changed 1 cloud layer to thicker to be able to see where to search for updrafts. Looks promising, and at least now we can provide feedback about what realistic thermalls should be like (like lack of downdraft and turbulences on boundary layer around rising thermal column).


I really would like to know what he meant with that… like it’s there (like it always was) ?
Or its now there (updated) ?

Because in the Q&A before, where he showcased the visualization tool for atmospheric flow, he said this is the new tool and this is the current (not updated) airflow which is in the sim. And he is referring to that.

Hi Captains,

Feed me guys because I’ll be back only tomorrow evening to my own cockpit, I’m excited, I’ve seen a video quickly and the dude was also mentioning that thermals were implemented, I don’t want to provide a fake news hh but it seems that the SU9 bring some improvements somewhere in the air! Right?

Happy Flights! :wink:


I think we should take a look at today’s wishlist update, there should be something mentioned if they actually updated anything.

I think lamentations that can be seen in Turbulence -- excessive or real world realistic - #24 by trex5365 confirm that they changed airmass model :slight_smile:
I flew for about 2h yesterday with a glider and tested new weather and was able to thermal under normal looking clouds that would give 0 lift in previous SU.


awesome! that sounds promising. thank you very much for sharing!


Then now it’s only gusts to be implemented in a realistic way :slight_smile: We want some variety in horizontal winds too. Not just up&downdrafts. Especially when we landing and taking off. There the winds are still constant all the time even after su9. I want my plane to be pushed sideways in different frequency while landing in crosswinds. It should be challenging in gusty winds. If some complains tell them to fly in calm winds instead as they said for those complaining about those new thermals that they should fly in mornings when the ground is still cold. Perfect Asobo :clap: Thats how to defend a flight simulator and also made those people learn how weather behaves. I acutally got some hope back for this sim :smiley:

A question though. Have you noticed those mountainwaves has decreased. I have just tested them at higher altitudes at the moment. I wonder if it behaves in a realistic way now?

Like this


Instead of the old that made the wave equally steep on every altitude?

Or maybe they just decreased them overall.

Looking forward to the visualisation of atmospheric winds. Was that planned for su10?


We can only guess what they have actually changed, sadly Seb didn’t mentioned what they have done specifically and only said a few sentences without going into any detail.

He only said: ‘‘the Atmospheric flow is there’’, if that means they updated it or it’s there like it always has been, nobody knows. :man_shrugging:

Yes, the atmospheric visualization tool gonna be in sim update 10.
That’s gonna help a lot to actually see what’s going on.

Also looking forward to the next Feedback Snapshot, if they really changed something it should be listed there for SU9 and an ‘‘started’’ for SU10, 11 and so on, for this wishlist topic.


Were you using live weather?

I tested some of the presets without wind, but all i got was turbulences, not enough updraft to stay in the air.

In Q&A had Seb more Information about it. He says there is turbulances becaused of up&downdrafts. He explain it in Q&A Min 39:00.

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I haven’t tested it with live weather yet, I made a new preset based on clear sky - I posted it for others in facebook “MS Flight Simulator Gliders” group.
But it is simple - start in EPKO, use 22 july 2022, from clear sky preset set time to 1pm (so summer around midday in europe) and set lowest cloud layer to be thicker and lower, you can also zero wind. Fly or slew your glider under nearest thick/grayish clouds to find lift.

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I flew in live weather right now and can confirm that there are also thermals in live weather. We have now soaravle weather where I live and was able to gein hew hundered meters under a live cloud at nearby airport EPPR. Discus glider is the best for testing as you can activate lift trace plot on the flight computer map - makes centering thermal easier.


I’m glad to read all your comments! And very happy to notice that some users started to complain about excessive turbulence which sounds great, their complaints mean that MFS2020 is getting more and more realistic then!
I’m taking my train to get back home at the evening, I guess that I’ll have a long night to fly in front!

Beautiful Skies Ahead!


LOL: Couldn’t have said it better myself! Now all we need are the gusts and wind variability and I’m all set :).


I really hope Asobo doesn’t listen to those this time.


I think it’s clear that 99% of the people are bored of lifeless flying on rails.
Otherwise this topic wouldn’t have over 500 votes.

And the 1% who’s complaining can use the clear weather preset and turn off the wind combined with all helping assistants turned on, easy as that.