CaptainSim is definitely trying to take advantage of XBox players. I don’t disagree with that. BUT… the logical flaw is just because ONE developer is trying to take advantage of XBox, that doesn’t mean that every single aircraft developed that doesn’t meet your expectations had to definitely be done aiming at the XBox audience, and that all quality of addons is declining because of XBox. You are taking one outlier of the set of developers and applying his ethics to all. Its like saying if one of your friends is unreliable, then all of them must be.
The other things to note is, its not that XBox users are specifically looking for lower quality products. They want the same fidelity as PC users. But its been a year and half already. WASM has been promised for over a year. Each week XBox users see all the new planes that come to PC, read on these forums about people’s experience with the new products, and they still don’t have a selection. So yes, sometimes these players get bored for a new experience, and even knowing CaptainSim quality, they purchase the aircraft just so they have something new to do. THAT is how CaptainSim is taking advantage of them. Once WASM comes out and XBox users have choices of higher fidelity aircraft they didn’t have before, very few are going to buy CaptainSim. Exactly like PC users.
This stereotype of XBox users is wrong. For the first 5 months of my MSFS time, I was on XBox. I know the community. I got tired of my addons breaking and no WASM support, so I switched to PC over a year ago. I love flying with my 8K tv or my QD-OLED monitor with eye tracking, my haptic seat, being able to quickly with Addons Linker swap out locations I want to be flying with that session. I can’t go back to XBox. However, I know the community well, I am friends with many of them still, and I know what they want. This stereotype that keeps circling the PC community of XBox users is totally wrong. Once WASM comes to XBox, that community is going to be making exactly the same choices of addons as the PC community. Exactly.
I don’t fly them often but I own a few. Some I just like the look of (F-16, also I used to play Falcon 4.0 a lot so it’s a bit of nostalgia), some are like “modern classics” (F-117 Nighthawk), some are just unique in their abilities (F-35, F-22 Raptor).
In all those cases it’s just fun for a change of pace to zip around low level and have those ridiculously fast roll rates. I fly for maybe 20 mins and land (landing is fun too at the higher speeds). Just for a change.
Then we get to the Hawk. That’s by far the best IMO. It feels the most analogue and you have to “actually fly it”. Sounds incredible and hopefully when they sort the FM it will be back to what it should be. It’s the first I bought and still the best. Also I’d say this type of plane DOES makes sense in non-combat as it IS a Trainer and AEROBATIC so you can pretend you’re doing an Airshow to a gasping crowd
At Duxford you have the crowd - and I’m sure they are gasping too but can’t hear them over my jets 
(I have the MB-339 also and that is obviously quite similar to Hawk as trainer and thinking again now, THAT is the first addon I ever bought for 2020).
But as you say to each his own.
(I was talking about the other planes in his queue that are ahead of the 727. I thought you might like a couple of those.)
Oh yes, I’ve been looking forward to the M500 for awhile now. He first previewed that on Flying Fabio’s stream when he released the Sting S4. The TL-3000 is my short list too.
Raul also talked about a M600 variant of the Piper.
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It’s a good question - one that comes up often. The way I answer it is…
– In service, these aircraft flew - and continue to fly - missions that have nothing to do with shooting at anything. Think reconnaissance flights, weather observation, patrol, training exercises, liaison, training exercises. There are plenty of authentic things to do that don’t involve gunnery or missiles. And, of course, for warbirds and current aircraft alike, there are airshows, and therefore airshow routines.
– A common feature of combat pilot memoirs is the expression of regret that it wasn’t possible just to fly the aircraft for the sheer pleasure of it, without having to kill or be killed or badly wounded or having to destroy anything. The WW I pilot narrator of V.M. Yeates’ Winged Victory - which was in huge demand among WW II RAF aircrew as the most authentic expression of their experience, and which put me off the romance of air combat for good - often takes his Sopwith Camel up at sunset behind the lines for recreation. It’s the only way he can relax.
Short version - they’re authentic and joyful, like a formula car that you can drive just for fun.
Not sure where to begin with this one.
Asobo have apparently doubled their headcount for MSFS.
I think its not so much what people fly is the point here. I fly everything. But im not wasting 15 or more minutes typing a flight plan into an mcdu because the aircraft cant read in a msfs flight planner file and have to use simbrief or navigraph. Make an aircraft for both users. That has nothing to do with quality or garbage. Or airliners or Cessnas
The sole stock WT21 aircraft certainly does that. Whether or not other aircraft should “conform” or compromise to a convenience step is up to the creator.
Exactly. And thats freeware.
I’m not sure I’m clear on your reply - how does freeware go into this?
If working title can do it, why cant others. Thats one reason for my purchases.
Working Title is paid by Microsoft and writes the avionics framework. Everyone else can leverage it if they understand the code and how to implement it. That doesn’t mean a freeware creator will. That’s conflating availability versus mandate. You’re imposing a mandate.
That doesn’t mean it will happen though.
Its no mandate, a suggestion for xbox usees. I just wont buy it. Lol