This "schtick" is 22+ years and still playing the game like a pro! - whats your oldest HW?

I have a Saitek X52 flight stick and throttle from 2009.

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I literally just sold my CH Products FlightSim stick.

Had it for 20 years or so. Still ok enough, but the throttle broke off in a cross-country move. Sold it far too cheap.

Had that through from around FS98 I think. Had some other much worse yoke before that for FS5+

Shame to see it go, but if I need a yoke again, I’ll get something decent and new.


My CH Pro Pedals are abou 20 years old - they still work great! I also still have CH Yoke - but I don’t use it anymore since I mainly fly Fenix A320 nowadays.


I have exactly the same model stashed under my bed :slight_smile:

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Mine work well, but I did have to do emergency surgery on them a few years ago. They were slowly ruddering over every flight. Sprayed the pots out and replaced a chafed ground wire, been great ever since!


I straight up hated my CH Yoke. I love my CH sticks and Pro Throttle, and for the years they were good (decades) also loved my CH pedals. At the time they were made they were the best there was. And they aged well.

That CH yoke though, it was hot trash. Never liked it. As bad in every was as the Saitek/Logi. Just made flying worse in every imaginable way. But I still have my CH 568 Fighter stick, that is a great device. The pedals finally gave up the ghost and I replaced with Virpil. Kind of a stunning leap forward. But again, at that time those CH Pedals were made, they were best in class by a lot, and lasted a good long time.

But the day I threw that yoke in the trash and single finger saluted it the ‘good-bye’, that was a good day.

That having been said, the Fulcrum One yoke is a masterpiece! To anyone who can budget that, I highly recommend it!


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