Well, I am concerned that the good people at Asobo have a similar view of “weather” as you - that it’s all just about pretty visuals.
Fudging the weather might yield somewhat plausible results for the big airliners. For those flying mostly under the clouds or even rely on them as indicators of updrafts it just seems a bit underwhelming. And it’s certainly far away from that touted “awesome weather system”.
Jörg Neumann has been talking about big plans with the weather system again lately. The only concrete thing he mentioned though was about better and more timely import of meteoblue data. That sounds suspiciously like once again taking a shortcut to pretty graphics without properly doing the smaller scale movements of air masses. They could really do with help from a atmosphere/weather simulation specialist. I’d happily donate a core or two to such calculations (just plausible, not “forecast quality”) - or a bit of bandwidth if it were done in the cloud.
Unfortunately at this point that doesn’t make me overly optimistic about the upcoming glider support. (which I’d consider 80% atmosphere, 20% flight mechanics - speaking as a former -and hopefully future again- glider flyer)
I would like to see a weather ‘time-machine’. In the winter I have wanted to make summer flights and vice versa in the summer. Or even how three days ago there was great weather conditions I wanted to fly in but I had other things to do. Now I would like to make a flight with that weather. Yes, I know I can manually set month and date. Set temperature, wind and clouds. But that would be the weather for all over. I want to experience flying though fronts and around storms Into weather that changes just as I get to my destination. I see where others wanted something similar here.
I really hope Asobo brings back user defined weather and stations where you can customize weather like different types of clouds and wind speed/gusts,rain and snow precipitation among the other things you could do.That’s the one thing i requested on this wishlist awhile back.
Having robust weather controls are a core function of a flight simulator. Visibility. Winds. Rain intensity. Multiple cloud layers. And weather settings that are set in METAR standards.
They’ve made the sim look pretty. Now it’s time to make work like a flight simulator.