To me it's just unacceptable that you can't trial or refund on the marketplace

I use MSFS through steam and there is definitely some kind of obfuscation with marketplace purchases even if not outright encryption.

Besides slow (or no) updates this is why I try not to buy through the marketplace as it prevents me using aircraft with tools such as M3. Don’t have the same issue with most direct from, ORBX, Contrail, etc.

This is the compromise I’ve told myself at the moment. If if I can’t stand to fly the aircraft myself at least I can still use it to see others flying them so the money wasn’t a complete waste

Often the visuals are good but things like the system implementation is sub-par and that’s why I’d be wanting a refund on most cases.

I can only hope that the streaming nature of MSFS2024 will enable this feature, among others. I’m guessing currently when you download the files from the marketplace, you could trivially copy and paste them into the community folder and have it still work?

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