Transitions using STARS

It actually choses between different points depending from which direction I would come in.

Example: coming in from EDDB (which is roughly east of EHAM) will give me DOBAK, coming from EDDH (roughly NE) will also give me DOBAK. BUT: coming from EKKA (which is roughly NNE) will in fact give me TEMLU which perfectly makes sense considering the general calculated routes. If you turn on the “airspace” filter it will make even more sense to put you to that specific point.
If I’m not wrong this is a matter of regulations (e. g. AIRACs).

However, I might have found a way you could probably chose a different transition while on the world map: just enter departure and arrival airport (IFR), delete any fix that is between your last regular fix and the destination airport.
Go from there adding all the fixes from the desired STAR and select a fitting approach from there.

I just tested it and manually entered the fixes for EEL1A via SOMPO. The sim suggests an automatic approach to 18R which makes sense since current METAR shows winds from the south. I selected ILS 18R-N which resulted in a reasonable looking approach pattern.

Not sure how this might mess up ATC and things like that since you’d likely not enter via SOMPO when coming from the east but at least it looks like it’s possible to plan it that way.


Hey guys I think I may have found a solution/workaround to both my issues:

  • The turning back to previous waypoint after selecting an approach may have been fixed in the awesome flybywiresim a32nx mod. I did 2 or 3 approaches last night and as long as you select an appropriate STAR it seems to fly you to the nearest next waypoint in that STAR, not all the way back to previous waypoint.

It might be blind luck and there’s nothing in the a32nx release notes about improving the MCDU but def worth a try - this mod is a great improvement over the base A320 regardless.

  • Cannot select STAR when choosing a direct to destintation airport. This remains a bug however you can workaround it by re-programming the MCDU with a simple DEP/ARR airport combination eg. EGPP/EGLL with no waypoints etc. and then going to arrival and it should give you all the STAR’s.

I will keep testing and trying especially on the first and keep you posted !


I didn’t know about the STAR reverting to previous waypoint bug until it happened to me last night in the TBM. BIG fun to try to figure that one out. MSFS ended up locking on me and I lost the flight.

Glad to know it wasn’t just me.

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This is currently happening to me in the TBM as well, every time. Is is downright debilitating. Did anyone from ASOBO actually fly an IFR flight to completion and not notice this?

I have raised this issue to Zendesk. Apparently it was tagged as solved, but the same is happening.

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I would just like to thank everyone above for an illuminating discussion on a topic I’ve never really understood.

I’ve bookmarked it for future reference.

The “Solved” term needs to be changed. It doesn’t necessarily mean solved. It basically means it’s been seen and either dropped because they didn’t understand the ticket, or it has been added to the development backlog. If you are familiar with Jira and Agile development practices, you can understand what being “added to the backlog” means…

If you’re lucky, it might mean solved, but, chances are it doesn’t mean what we interpret as solved. It technically means it has been moved out of the zendesk ticket system.

I personally can’t stress enough how important it is to read their rules and understand their ticket process, and TOTALLY over-describe your problem, describe it as if the person reading it has zero understanding of what you’re talking about, or even what flight simulation even means.

I recently posted a ticket of a crash, I gave files and instructions on how to recreate the crash (it was super simple, just needed one airport in the community directory (the file set that I gave), and fly from a different airport), and the response was just a slew of different how to solve CTD’s that had nothing to do with the problem, and then, at the very end, a sort of side handed description of a tool to capture a log. And it was marked solved. I captured the log, submitted it to the ticket, and the ticket was reopened and is still open. (It’s a CTD created with that still exists due to the LWcfg.xml stuff).

It’s a process, and I don’t blame them for how they are handling it. I can’t even imagine the tickets they must have to read every day. Probably mind bending in the stupidity in most of them.

Why exactly? Because you decided to spend $60, their head should be shoved in a toilet? Really?
For $120 in my case, I got an AMAZING tool to use to have fun and practice my flying! I’m LOVING it. Yeah, there’s a couple issues here and there, but I got WAYYYYY more than I was expecting.

You might want to consider getting some anger management there…
Oh, and good luck in your endeavors as a development engineer… Have fun!

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Probably because I spent more than $60 on this title. And also probably because this title afifrms latest trend of developers and publishers (EA/Ubisoft) pushing what amounts to beta level apps to the open market only to have consumers pay to test and bug fix. That ■■■■ should be done in the Alpha/Beta phase.

Explain to me how you practice IFR and approaches when the system is so janked up that it never vectors you and leaves you on a heading eternally until you intervene? Good luck with that beta male apologist schtick though - it will serve you well.

I intervene. Is that a problem?

I’m not depending on ATC in this software to be like real life and make no mistakes. Why would I do that?

And yes, I spent $120 on it. Sorry, that’s a pitance. A single date typically costs double that or more just to go to dinner.

I can’t depend on ATC in the Elite IFR simulators either. And yes, I ignore the approaches that MSFS gives me, too. That’s what I have the charts for and what I’m learning to use. On the other hand, the plane I just started renting recently has a GNS530. So I bought Reality XP version and learned how to use it there for a pitance compared to what it would cost me to learn it in the rental. And then, a couple of days later, a modder released an upgrade for MSFS which has 85% to 90% of all its functionality, so I didn’t need to purchase the RXP version after all. With the mod and the free Garmin trainer, I have all I need.

It’s not that difficult to use the tools you have at hand to the limits of their abilities and still use them. The instruments in the plane work great, all the airports I fly too have all the facilities I need to practice, I have charts for actual taxipaths, but most of them in the software are correct anyway. The terrain is amazing, and really helpful for practicing flights to get to know the area and where I’m going to fly

For one of the airports I fly out of, they forgot to add the approaches. And the accuracy of the airport was pretty poor regarding taxi signs and other details. So I rebuilt the airport from the ground up and added the approaches, and, in the process, learned a lot about how approaches are handled, documented, and more. But at another, everything is right on.

To me, the flight model here, especially with the mods, is way better than FSX, and the detail around me is incredible. I’m amazed every day comparing what’s in the sim and what I see in real life.

Granted, I’m not training to be an airline pilot, but, even if I were, there would certainly be ways I could use this software to help me.

I’m sorry, the entitled attitude around here seems to be totally without perspective on what’s important in life. And the need to express anger and blame others for whatever is so pervasive it’s really sad.

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wen do you activate approach mode ?
if you have the flight plan and ils tuned to the runway and is set on autopilot, i am not sure when to unclick nav and click approach mode
also i see this annunciator on g1000 shows something called RA 1600 then RA 720 what does the RA mean??

There’s a workaround for that.

Till they fix it, hit Active Pause while you enter the approach and transition. It’s only about ten seconds or so.

The reason is the sim adds a waypoint called USR which is the point you were at when you added the approach. By the time you’ve done it you’ve moved, so the plane (wrongly) flies back to USR. Hitting Active Pause keeps you at USR and the sim is happy.

Moved to #self-service:atc-traffic-navaids which did not exist as a category when the topic was first created.

You don’t need to deselect NAV when you select approach mode, if we are talking about an ILS, select approach mode when flying inbound the FAP when within 90 degrees of the final approach track. RA = radio altitude.

stupid question, when you start the frist transition, do you put mode on approach
i don’t know when to activate the approach mode to capture localizer and glideslope

so activate nav mode to follow gps and locatizer and then activate approach when?
thank you so much

You need an approach plate for the STAR/Approach selected.

APR mode is activated after the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) but before the Final Approach Fix (FAF) which are designated waypoints on the Approach Plate and reflected in the on-board FMS’ Flight Plan depiction.

This ensures you’ll receive Vertical Descent Guidance (if available) after the FAF.

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anyone know how to put a victor airway in flight plan on TBM 930 i know the cessna 172 if you click on menu you can enter the victor airway number to fly but i am unable to find it on TBM930
when I type say V1 it gives me something else

It’s possible with WT G3000,

then in FPL you can insert airways via Option Insert airway or some similar.