Tree Draw Distance / LOD Issues

Have you tried adjusting the objects level of detail slider and setting buildings to Ultra? For trees the quality also seems to affect the range at which trees are visible. (or maybe not)

I’ve been to Stockholm and it looked like this a couple patches ago (September 6th)

Buildings High, Object detail 100

I fly low to avoid those ugly transitions and 1080p helps obscure it as well, but you can still see the buildings stop. SInce the LOD ranges were adjusted I’ve been flying with terrain detail at 200 (trees ultra) and buildings at 150 (which is for photogrammetry, AI buildings LOD are part of terrain detail) which still doesn’t match what it was before.

I tried to replicate your shot

Buildings and Trees on High, Terrain and Object detail at 100

Putting Trees and Buildings on Ultra increases the density

Increasing Terrain and Object detail to 200 indeed increases the LOD range

I tried setting terrain LOD to 4.0 in usercfg.opt

	LoDFactor 4.000000

As long as you don’t touch the terrain detail slider in the graphics menu, it should stick. I’m going to try to fly around with Terrain detail at 4.0 (400) tomorrow, see if my laptop can handle that.