[UPDATE 1.1.0] FlyingIron P-38L Lightning

Search for “desk joystick clamp” :wink:


FoxxMounts and Monstertech are 2 companies that make them.

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There are a near-infinite number of generic aluminum extrusion desk clamp mounts available on eBay and Amazon from several different “brands” (but all generally similar. I bought a cheap set of $65 mounts for my VKB Gladiator stick and STECS throttle unit. They are kind of a pain to assemble (lots of little screws and extrusion-channel nuts) but they are solid and work pretty well.


I gotta get me that!

I bought the P-38 a week or so ago and I really, really like it! Earlier this week, I did a 300-mile trip from near Los Angeles to San Francisco. I went up to 15,000 feet and set manifold pressure to 40 inches and RPM to 2600 (normal rated cruise). It turned out I was really going fast! Indicated speed was around 260 MPH, but the tablet was showing true airspeed at 320! The coolest detail, though, was that I was landing in San Francisco shortly after sunset and noticed that the superchargers were glowing red. I don’t know why, but that detail thrills me to no end.


That’s what the superchargers did (glowed), especially noticeable at night. Check out this reference on page 10, in the paragraph on the P-38M night fighter version.


That’s so cool! And funny, because when at the end of flights I was thinking there was something wrong with the model or the specific livery when I noticed that coloration.

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