Very disappointed with FS2020

No it’s not a big deal it’s a minor bug, if that’s causing you that much of an issue to you then I don’t really no what to say

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if you have one option selected, a pop up window warning will tell you slow down.
But what is the game ATC going to do if you ignore them? At most they just repeat themselves until you respond or correct yourself.
The game gonna ground you from flying off you broke a rule??

lol. just imagine:

MESSAGE: MSFS has determined you broke a in flight rule, you are grounded and prevented from flying for 45 days.


Or even: “Prepare to copy; I have a number for you to call.”


“Prepare to copy” is not proper ICAO phraseology…

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Yet I’ve heard towers tell pilots that.

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Where? In the USA? I’ve also heared “with you”, doesn’t make it proper phraseology. Or “light chop” :joy:

Weird, I’ve gotten speed warnings for >250 under 10k in TBM.

Me personally do I think its a big deal? No I don’t, I could care less. Doesn’t mean anything to me at all. I am not a pilot, not training to be a pilot nor do I want to. As a matter of fact the less warnings it throws at me the better, they drive me nuts. We don’t all play the same way. Obvsiously this is important to you and that is fine, but no it isn’t to me, at all.

That being said I am pretty sure have seen that warning in the sim but I couldn’t tell you under what circumstance.

Some to have legitimate gripes though, there is some stuff that needs work for sure. Then I think others expect too much for what this is. We can argue if its a “simulator” or a game or what we should call it all we want but in the end it is a game and they have clearly marketed it towards new/begginer people. It is not a training level simulator. If you want an ultra realistic flight sim that is what you should be looking at. I just doubt you will find one for near this price or one that will look as nice. You just have to choose what is more important to you I guess.

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Lie. Search avsim forums right after FSX release.


Well guess what? People on the radio don’t always use strict ICAO phrasing; they’re real people and not every situation is “in the book”.

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It has never been advertised as a game, all the feature discovery series were about how great the flight model engine is and how realistic the weather engine is and how wind reacts to moutains etc. I think that is the main reason some people really like FS2020 and others are really not impressed. If you are looking for a game or VFR simulator, sure it suits your needs. For hardcore flight simmers and real world pilots not so interested in great graphics and are looking for a professional simulator to enhance their skills, its a disappointment


Don’t have to tell me that, I’ve been a RTF instructor. But lets not ask Microsoft / Asobo to program even more non-standard phraseology. The current ATC phraseology is completely made up.

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So VFR flying isn’t worthy, it’s just like “gaming?” LOL

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You didn’t see that they are actually aware of this issue in latest update? Feels like you’re just cherrypicking issues now.


I might not have phrased that correctly, appologies for that. I’m trying to say as a game and for VFR its fine, for simulating commercial aviation, IFR and complex aircraft, not so much.

I didn’t see this indeed, what did I miss?

This is why posts and threads like these are redundant.



I didn’t see that indeed, it’s a step in the right direction at least.

Ah yes but people like you will expect 10000% working product.

If you were a pilot, you would understand the amount of work sims like these require. I do not believe you are a pilot. Pilots need to be patient, and vigilant, you aren’t.


Well I for one did watch videos before I got it. No way I was going to pre order this thing lol. I didn’t expect it to look nearly as good as it did in the videos or to work that well on day one. So I watched for a week before it got released, the watched for a few days after it released and read stuff on the internet about it. Just to see what kind of issues it was having, if it would download and how the finished product looked. I didn’t just blindly jump in and grab it hoping Microsoft of all people didn’t pull the wool over my eyes lol.

And if you paid 120 dollars or more for the game I guess that is on you or I am sorry you live an area where it costs more. You certainly didn’t have to get the premium edition, I didn’t. I paid 60 bucks for it. I wasn’t going to spend more money on 10 extra default airports and aircraft that someone else will probably do a better job on in a few months for less money. Or possibly free lol.

Like someone else said, maybe you should have done your research first. I mean it isn’t even a month old. Imagine the money and time you would have saved if you waited to see what it would be like and if it was really something wanted. You would not have bought it and you would not be here wasting your time talking about it. You would be playing something else instead.