VR Reverb G2 WMR Performance (Motion Reprojection CPU issues, overclocking)

I see the same general results when comparing motion reprojection on versus off…MR has a heavy impact on the CPU and I see it also results in my GPU being less utilized and therefore not as balanced across both GPU/CPU. Even with the G2 which has fairly good motion reprojection compared to some headsets it’s very heavy on the CPU and quickly tanks frame rates as the CPU-limited bottleneck is quick and strong, along with the locking it has to do to 22.5 or 30fps for the G2. I am running an i9 12900k and rtx 3090 with 64gb ram. I tend to not use reprojection at all due to the wing warping, propeller artifacts (even with the mods you can get), and fuzziness on the cockpit instruments and I have become used to the slight studdering you get when flying low and looking outside without reprojection (meaning with final fps of around 30-40fps). I don’t think overclocking has anything to do with what you are experiencing, I think it’s just the load on the CPU to process the motion reprojection which isn’t as well optimized at this point as it may be in the future. Having said that, in the G2 with WMR it is far better MP performance than it was even 6 months ago, it’s quite good actually now when compared to the early days of motion reprojection where the wing warping and other artifacts were very noticeable (much much less now).