I did not see any improvements from killing cliffhouse (RTX3090).
As for your astonishment about others reaching 40+ FPS like I do: I’m running OXR=200% and in-game 50%. This actually gave me +5…10 FPS compared to running 100/100.
The 3080 should get you in the same ballpark, the 3090’s advantage is small because GPU performance is similar to the 3080 and VRAM is hardly being used by MSFS anyway When I switched from an O/C 3080 to my O/C 3090, I did not see more than 5 FPS improvement. I gained more with the 200%/50% setting.
What’s more - I’ve posted this in a separate thread: if you feel inclined and confident in O/Cing your 3080, some FPS may be gained. O/Cing my already factory O/Cd 3090 by +50MHz GPU and 500MHz VRAM is giving me something like 2 FPS on top. With MSFS in my experience GPU O/C is more beneficial than VRAM O/C. Most cards should do at least +50…100MHz on the GPU if not already clocked to the max. Any little helps, but thou shalt not fear the energy bill…and your PSU and cooling solution should be up to the task…
I just tried the 200%/50% setting and it didn’t work for me. Even the menu screen was a slide show. Marginally better at 150%/50% and ok at 100%/50%. 100%75% seems to be the sweet spot for me of clarity versus performance.
I’ve got a 5600X CPU which I have a hunch struggles a bit with VR. Its the only thing I can think of anyway.
I’ve got a Gigabyte Aorus Xtreme 3080 which is the big factory OC’d model from Gigabyte. I could probably OC my 5600X a bit and I’ve thought about doing that but I would probably need better cooling on it.
Just to add I have MR set to automatic. I do get the occasional artefacts with it but I find its generally smoother than having it off.
Wow. Rift S FOV is small even at 100/100 lol. I tried 90/90 and black bars all around were really distracting. 72/72 probably looks like looking through a toilet roll lol.
But again, that is how it looks like with Rift S. Not sure how is it with Q2.
Wow, that is weird, the 200/50 solution appears to be working for for several people. You did 200% OXR and 50% in-game, not vice-versa? But on the other hand, well, the 5600X is not that strong.
My 3090 is exactly that - an Aorus Xtreme and I can still push it by another 50/500 as written above. If you give it a try, use latest RivaTuner, set the voltage percentage and fan slider to the max and then try to increase GPU clock in small increments (10…20MHz) and test for stability, for example using FurMark. If you’ve figured a stable GPU O/C, do the same procedure with VRAM. The GPU cooling should be sufficient and the card will throttle to prevent damage, but still it’s at your own risk.
Regarding CPU O/C this might give you a little advantage, but the 5600X clocks quite low and has only 6 cores, so I suspect success will be limited. Anyway - good luck!
Yeah I did it 200% OXR. Totally crashes the sim almost in VR. Total slide show.
Like I said I’m quite tempted to think the same, certainly as far as VR is concerned anyway. However RomanDesign is getting exact same performance as me with exact same settings and he’s got the much beefier 5900X.
I’m keen to see if we get any performance improvements with next weeks sim update. Which by the looks of things does have some VR tweaks. Fingers crossed.
@RomanDesign I’m also skeptical of this. I have a 3080 and G2 and use 100OXR - 70TAA MR On. LOD’s 100 - Cap frames to 30. Our results seem to be inline.
When I get a free minute, I’ll send settings, specs, etc. please note that I have only the Custom render scale in OpenXR at 150; MR is disabled and the runtime option is unchecked. Other settings to follow…