Walk Around

Hey lovesickchief13 how to set speed at .8 cannot get slower than 1.2. Am I missing something?

Have done alot of walking in FSX earlier but this is way better. Don’t need an avatar though, but better slov control, also for videos

Not sure. I actually want 1.2 because I saw it in a video and can only do .8

That looks fantastic… I hope for a future add on! :blush:

Could we please have the ability playable characters? Create our own custom pilot avatars, add custom liveries or uniforms, and have the ability to get out of the aircraft and actually do a walk around?

So many nice places to fly to, it’d be nice to land somewhere and be able to get out and walk around too. Especially on a bush trip with other players, everyone get out and gather around to discuss where to go next.

Even better in VR too.

Also Asobo should get in touch with the developers of this VR Ground Crew and see if they’d be willing to integrate their product with MSFS as an addon.

I heartily second this! I want to be a human in a flight sim and walk around and investigate the areas I fly to! Do real walk arounds of the aircraft, and just generally increase immersion. Please upvote this!

This would be a truly marvelous addition to this game - being able to land somewhere and then exit your aircraft to examine it - or to explore the area.

Just imagine the possibilities if this feature existed…

It would make Microsoft Flight Simulator a virtual vacation - a way to travel the world and freely explore it - both in the air…and on foot.

It would be both a learning journey, acquiring knowledge through exploration; as well as a fun, enjoyable [and safe!] way to experience every facet of our incredible, beautiful planet.

I’ll go one further. How about being able to exit your aircraft and get into a car or another airplane in your hanger. The matrix would be complete. I really don’t like going back to the main menu to do these things—especially in VR. I think as we enter a new airplane, can load the necessary files from there.


A true world simulation😲

Sure a modder will put something together.
Until then use drone mode.

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But to be able to walk around though - imagine landing at the Taj Mahal and then exiting your aircraft to explore around the area, take some pictures and then depart back to your airport of choice.


Well, I submit that Google Street View is a great alternative in the meantime.

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The drone camera provides some of that. After landing in Boston, I changed to the drone camera. There wasn’t much goong on at the airport, so I wandered around town and eventually found Fenway Park and took on some sites on the river on my way back to the airport.

You can do all of this in GTA5. There are lots of mods for it too. :slight_smile:

That’s GTAV though - imagine it in MSFS with the whole world as your journey?

Stepping out of your aircraft to take pictures using a dedicated photo mode…how awesome would that be?

So what specifically are you looking for that the drone camera doesn’t already do? The immersive experience of walking around as if you’re in a first person game with head animation and footsteps? I think this would be a massive boon for the VR side of the sim, but the drone cam is sufficient otherwise.

Flight Simulator doesn’t look great when you’re up close to things, whereas GTA5 has phenomenal low level detail. To be honest, I think driving around in Flight Simulator would look really drab and archaic. You usually have to be at least a couple hundred feet AGL before the view really pops.

Remember Driver 2 on the PSOne?

It’s primitive by today’s standards; but I spent tons of hours exploring in and out of the vehicles - with graphics that looked far worse that the 3-D enabled, Bing satellite images we have today.

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Second worst driver game imo, wish they made some new ones, the crew is not the same.

Back to your point, it would be cool to be able to control your pilot, open the aircraft doors and explore. Probably deep in the backlog but nice wish nonetheless.

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It would be really cool to be able to fully customize our pilot avatar; choosing our appearance [face, hair, facial hair, age, etc.], flight suit/clothing, sunglasses, hats and other accouterments.

This would come in handy when outside our aircraft💯



Mr Anderson