Walk Around

It looks like so much fun!

The ground-based vehicle driving option looks promising as well!

This world is so fantastically modelled, that I wish I could walk around in it. From walking around the airports to walking down streets and through fields. The scenery is so amazingā€¦

Pleaseā€¦ make it possible to walk around Earth in this amazing simulator. :slight_smile:


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I bet you already know this, and itā€™s not walking, but you can pretend it is I guess. I use the Showcase camera to wander around airports and places. I think properly configured you can go pretty much anywhere near where you are flying (and you can spawn pretty much anywhere in the world of course). Hope this is of some help.
[Edit, FWIW, my reply was to a single question in a new thread that this was merged into. I wouldnā€™t have replied as others have suggested using the Showcase/Drone]

Even though I think they have more important stuff to fix, i personally support this. It would be awesome to walk around. Which i was trying to achieve by using free cam lol. :smiley:

You just, walk around then use the stairs to enter cockpit (speaking of tube liners) etc.



Also having a proper photo mode, so you can document your travels & adventures outside of your aircraft!

Aviation is a much faster means to get from one place to another. The point of flying is not only to enjoy the journey and the aspect of flight; but it is also the excitement of what adventures await you after you arrive at your destinationšŸ‘šŸ»

Hmmm. Seeing some scope creep in this thread.

Regardless, Iā€™d love for the sim to start you off ā€œstandingā€ right next to your selected aircraft (could just be a camera view really) as opposed to being already inside. Then from there you can ā€œwalkā€ around the aircraft removing covers/tie-downs/tags by clicking on them, and conduct a preflight inspection of the aircraft before you hop in. Basically it can be part of the checklist system. Then afterwards you open the door and click on your seat to ā€œget inā€. There can be a setting at the start of the flight that says ā€œskip external prep and preflightā€ for those that dont want to do it.

Personally I donā€™t care abt having an external model and animations for a walk around, seeing as Iā€™ll be in ā€˜first personā€™ anyway.

I must clarify, I dont think itā€™s a need for the stock aircraft. But I think the framework needs to be there so that 3D party devs can utilize it for their future aircraft if they choose to offer that level of realism.

For example, there are some addon airfcraft in xpl that have this kind of feature. But because itā€™s not a standardized system present in the sim and SDK, different devs had to engineer and utilize their own unique system for it. Which just ended up resulting in a really awkward situation where wonky controls were used (bec they were still ā€œoccupiedā€ by the aircraft), there were conflicting philosophies as to what ā€œviewsā€ it would work off of, and there were conflicts with software like TIR/VR and ā€œwalkingā€ was never right.

Having all aircraft with that capability use the same system. Means that itā€™s homogenous. No more having to remember specific walk around controls and weird menuā€™s for an individual aircraft. Integrating that system into the base sim is the way to go.

WASD + Mouse is king. Integrating a walk around system means control mappings can be made for it. That would then be the control scheme regardless of the selected aircraft. If you have a dedicated walk around mode, then controls like WASD+mouse can be temporarily isolated (kinda like we have with the drone cam) and be used for those walk around functions as opposed to staying occupied/mapped to some in-aircraft control(s).

Very important imo. Voted.

Would be fun to be able to do this in the sim some day:

The more standardization, the less wonky the sim.


I would only want the ā€œWalk Aroundā€ Avatar Mode to be in 1st person as well. The customization of your outfit is more for the Drone Camera views [or for a full-fledged Photo Mode] when you can actually see your Pilot Avatar through the canopy and windows.


Nice idea. And it would be great if you could walk inside the airport terminal (at least at few airports).


That would be great :metal:t2::100:

Well, Iā€™m a little late to the conversation, but you can kinda walk around already in MSFS2020.

If you are playing in VR, you can land, and literally walk outside your plane by standing up and moving away from the pilots seat. Now, itā€™s only as far as your VR helmet cable will allow you, but I regularly land in some exotic place, stand up and step away from the plane. Feels like you are stretching your legs after a long flight. Feels a little like you actually flew there and then got out. I did it after landing on some tiny northern island. Felt like I was exploring a new place.

Expect this to come out around the same time as SU11.
Itā€™s getting hot in hereā€¦ :wink:


just a thought reallyā€¦ since the entire world has been modeled, kinda like Second Life, it seems to me it would be very straight forward to host a meetup in VR (like the steam ā€˜roomsā€™) in several locationsā€¦ perhaps a city building or an terminal or ATC tower or something like that.

Obviously a human avatar/livery would be required, but we already have an entire world as our playground with some uber high detailed structuresā€¦ or a sim-pilots lounge. It would be good even for an adhoc meeting point for a group flight. How bout a party in the lounge in the Eiffel Tower or the viewing lounge for the Arizona craterā€¦

I would think this would also make the World Simulator (fs2020), FAR more desirable for console users who donā€™t want to fly, but just experience the world, some amazing scenery and human contact

It just seems to me this simulated world could be substantially more than just the flight sim aspects and the backbone has already been written for anything you can imagine regarding world simulation

dunno, what do you all think?

Agreed, it would be nice to meet up in a tower where you could watch the beautiful scenery and also the landing atemps of other players.

thanks, so I choose Drone Camera in External Mode set zoom 65% and speed 0.8 where? in Settings?

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It would be absolutely awesome if the ability to walk around in sim was implemented. Or even just the hooks on the back end so it could be made possible via add-on.

A good example of this while far more than Iā€™m looking for is how this is handled in most bus driving sims.

Hi all! Very Very nice idea! I vote! It could be cool like this simulator: (i knowā€¦ Im asking muchā€¦ :joy:


Keep the graphics if you want but free roam outside the plane on foot without drone mode should be a thing. This would change Microsoft Flight Simulator even further into the future of gaming.


It would be a great feature to have.


Yes please, walking around should be a thing with how beautiful this sim is.

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just use the drone, easy.

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