Water Masking.. It's just so Beautiful!

They might address it during the Q&A, or maybe in the next sim update

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yes like every QA they say : soon

I’m finding tons of it on the coast and islands of Venezuela.


And? What did they say?

All the water mask in all the videos are in the sim, just that they are on different branch so they might not get released at the same time. So they released a batch last time and will release the rest in the UK update. And Asobo also has someone manually checks to make sure every water mask in all released videos is included in UK update.


I guess they may need to keep the water masks as they appear. It may mean that they need to do some work to retain some old water masks to keep the textures present, rather that relying on the automatic processes.

They are finally populating the Water-Masks we have been waiting for!

Bora Bora


It is not possible to change the water mask for the whole world. Even in the UK with the update 3 I have NOT found a well made water mask … The way is not that of the timely and manual update! The only way is for Asobo to complete its SDK so that you can decide the degree of transparency with an alpha channel or something similar like in xPlane. That’s the only way! The only way! The only way … I repeat since I became a beta tester … but I’m losing hope …

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Can you show an example of one in the real world for the UK?

UK from everywhere! Everywhere you look … little has been implemented …
In Barra they have done something but otherwise very very little. The bad thing is that bing’s ortho photos have everything you need … it just needs to be pulled out with a less restrictive mask …
For example, I flew into the EGPL lagoon and … there is no lagoon! The photo I am attaching is by BING … nothing of what you see …

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What does it look like from a real photo, not a satellite?


from Benbecula to Stornoway…


I made this on x plane with Ortho4XP application with modification of the water mask … I would like from an application like fs2020 to have that or something better… I would do it again on FS2020 but there are no SDK tools

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Nice to see even the obscure and remote locations featured in the Oceania trailer finally in the sim. Parked my cub on the beach of this little island off the southeast tip of New Caledonia.


All we need is a fishing mod to go with that sort of Island Hopping!
So love this shot!

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I wish the water ways were fixed in Hilton Head…

I tend to feeling discriminated by the name of that harbor :sweat_smile:… but it really looks great! :blue_heart:

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They told us how it works, the water masks in trailers are ahead of the release, and will be added later as they have in the past.

How is it false advertisement? They say it is coming to the sim and then it comes to the sim. The trailer never says that every single thing in there will come on the same day. Do you expect to get a trailer for every single changes on the cloud side?

And Asobo explained what is happening and why one thing might come out a bit after another. Are you saying giving explanation is a way to telling customer to shut up? :roll_eyes: