We need a Boeing 737 Max

Not about “anti-Boeing”…
I think the moderators were pretty clear that the discussion of a real world crash/investigation is inappropriate to this forum.

Like @Nijntje91 said… Back to topic…

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To get back on topic, I don’t think Asobo should introduce any new planes into the sim at this point in time. But if they would add a 737 I would prefer a 737NG.

We already have so many G1000/3000 aircraft, it would be nice to see more variation in avionics. The 737max would basically be the same as the 787 avionics…

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My vote goes to a 737-200 steam cockpit.


Also fine by me :joy:

I would prefer something from a missing segment though, a medium sized turboprop, a regional jet, classic aircraft, gliders, helicopters. A 737 would not add that much to the sim.

I can honestly say my favorite additions, (and guaranteed purchases should someone get good ones done), would have to be DC-3 and or Twin Otter. Again no fancy upgraded cockpits. Hell, the ones I flew out of Inuvik had a Pioneer-Bendix bubble sextant, not a Garmin.

Let’s have MAXs landing on nuclear aircraft carriers in this sim. We’ll call it Microsoft Simulator MIC-Gekko Edition. It won’t cost anymore since every purchase will be financed by the Fed funny money allocated by the Pentagon.

I won’t be buying though.

As much as I would love new planes, I have to agree. They already have a bunch of half-baked, incomplete planes (Premium Deluxe planes and airliners) that should be completed before they add new half-baked, incomplete planes.

But a 737 of some flavour would be nice. I’d rather it be 3rd party and complete though.


No, any discussion that it might not be 100% Boeing’s fault is off-limits. Statements that it was are clearly fine.

Moving on…

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