What is the minimum CPU/GPU that can offer “best” performance?

Those changes to PC = Lower fidelity.

The consoles are $500, they’re pretty low-end compared to a computer. GN’s conclusion was the PS5 (which is comparable to the new XBox) is equivalent to a midrange PC from 4-5 years ago.

PlayStation 5 120FPS Mode vs. PC 120FPS: Benchmarks & Graphics Quality Comparison - YouTube

I wouldn’t be too sure about that. At least the XBox series X is based on AMD’s Zen2 CPU’s and RDNA2 GPU’s (Radeon 6000 series), along with some great memory optimizations and system integration.
I’m fairly sure the XBox series X will outperform the PC’s of most people running MSFS, especially the ones running on laptops.
No, of course a brand new Ryzen 5000 CPU with a new 3000 series NVidia or 6000 series Radeon GPU will outperform it, but I’m confident you’re talking about the top 1% then.

Ultra is not “max settings” those are two different things. There are quite a few sliders and stuff in the game settings that are not maxed on Ultra and can be set higher and that is BEFORE you get into editing the config files manually and setting LOD to 800 or downloading mods that increase the draw distances.

Just saying.

Just wanted to circle back - as I had started this thread originally with my question.

For those interested, I ended up buying a pre built PC with AMD 5800x, RTX 3080, 32gb 3600 ram and a dedicated 500gb NVMe, only for the sim.

I’m getting 35-45fps in the FBW A320 cockpit with Ultra settings. Very occasionally this drops below 30fps, but only when passing a busy airport (like EGLL). Otherwise, sim looks beautiful and loading times are dramatically reduced.
As mentioned, FPS drops and games stutters near busy airports, limited by main thread. Switching off live traffic has helped. I believe these issues could be resolved with further optimisation?


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I’m very happy with my GTX 1070 also. I’m running I7 9700k,32gig ram,gtx 1070. I’m on mostly ultra with a couple mediums. Great frame rate in 1080p. Can not complain!

I’m looking at upgrading my GPU. Is it better to go with 8gb and faster speed or 16gb card with half the speed?

This might help you determine what configuration works for you.
MSFS Recommended Hardware Specifications

SU5 may have changed those recommendations.

I get the specs here. What it doesn’t suggest is the idea speed.

Will msfs get better frames if the gpu has less vram but faster speed or more vram and half the speed. Ie 8gb at 3300 or 16 gb at 1600

We are now almost two years into the sim now, and the “recommended specs” (https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013463459-Minimum-Recommended-and-Ideal-PC-Specifications-for-Microsoft-Flight-Simulator) haven’t changed in that time, although the sim has advanced quite a lot.
Two questions:

  1. The six sets of specs are based on desktop PCs. We know that many people now want to use laptops for this sim, but there are no specs that relate to laptops.
  2. The sim has developed and become more complex since those specs were created. Should Microsoft be encouraged to review and adjust those minimums? Or perhaps, should those here who know current hardware trends create an “alternate” list of min/rec/ideal specs for desktops and laptops?
    I’m not trying to rock the boat, but many developers refer to “low end” and there doesn’t appear to be any benchmark defining what today is low end, and what is high end.

Any answer you come up with will change once they introduce DLSS anyway.

Same here.I’m ok with my gtx 1070 and ryzen 3700x +32 gb ram for now…but soon I’ll probably want 4K resolution…so rtx 3700 will be a minimum I think.