What is this? Price Increase to $100 for Airports?

Well my gamertag is the same: TJ Turner.

Hi folks,

Second question: for those of you seeing this message, are you enrolled in the SU1 beta or are you using the regular release build?


Iā€™m using the regular build no beta on both my PCs and Xbox X system, my gamertag is my name here

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Regular release.

I guess this explains why about a week ago I was actually able to get into the Marketplaceā€¦sort of. I could navigate through some of itā€™s infrastructure but there was no content. On the next restart I just got the coming soon screen again.

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You own the addon which is why you saw the popup - the pricing is likely placeholder pricing intended for a test environment but was instead pushed in production.

Incoming MMOFSā€¦

It has nothing to do with Asobo, Enhanced Airport Graphics is an existing DLC from Zinertek :roll_eyes:

I think people might see this message quite a lot in the future, but I doubt youā€™ll see $100 very often. Certainly smaller amounts though.
3rd party devs have not been able to sell their work since 2024 showed up last year. Some will be struggling to pay their rent and other bills by now. During these times of stress, they will have also been trying to ā€˜upgradeā€™ their 2020 work to 2024 standards. I would expect that the majority of them will want some form of compensation for their efforts, and this looks like a way to notify the end user of a 2024 upgrade and an extra fee to cover their work.
I can fully support this idea. I mean, would you be able to work for months for free?
I hope yā€™all support the 3rd party devs in this. They had all of this dropped on their heads.

PS. The Microsoft and Asobo teams will all be on a salary. Thatā€™s not how it works for 3rd party devs. They get nothing unless they are making sales.

Devs have many ways to sell their products. Orbx, Simmarket, Aerosoft and so on. The marketplace is only the in game alternative. So it shouldnā€™t be that bad.


It is that bad. Something like 90% of sales come from the marketplace for most devs. And also with the mess of 2024 SDK itā€™s very hard to make complete products for distribution anywhere.

I know Iā€™ve practically stopped spending anywhere until things get sorted and I imagine the same is true on a larger scale. Itā€™s a total mess.


3rd Party developer still have MSFS 2020, a lot of simmers are still on it. Also what Iā€™ve been observing is that those so called ā€œSerious Simmersā€ donā€™t even use the Marketplace and prefer to always buy directly from the developer or from the developerā€™s preferred outlet. If the developers must go with 2024 they still have the option to sell compatible versions through other stores such as SimMarket, Contrail etc. I think they will be fine. Plus we could use a rest from Night Scenery packs and $10 junk airplanes for a while anyway.


got the same message, allthough $139.95 here in australia
Xbox gamertag HobosOnHeat
Edit, Also on Stable Release, Not in any beta

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@ HobosOnHeat Click Continue and see what happens for us. :wink:

I didnā€™t get this warning msg on startup, i have this addon.
Please, this is not the way to warn people at the start of the game. We will all get 100s of warning msgs at the start when marketplace goes live?

I seriously doubt those numbers. I buy everything I can outside of the marketplace because of the updates. It takes ages for them to be available in the marketplace.

But us ā€œenthusiastsā€ that visit this forum and keep up to date with news and information about developers, upcoming projects, and the ā€˜sceneā€™ as a whole are a minority IMO. The average user, especially of the target market since it went more mainstream, are much more comfortable using their existing MS account and buying from the in-game store, like in so many other DLC and Microtransaction driven ā€œgamesā€. Bearing in mind, Xbox users have no choice.

I agree nobody knows the true numbers but I have heard this from several well known developers so itā€™s in that ball-park I am fairly confident. FS Reborn ONLY sells on the Marketplace as do a few others. Anyway it is what it isā€¦ letā€™s hope it gets back on track ASAP for everyones sake.


Totally agree. If a minor update is provided (as opposed to a maintenance update) gratis thatā€™s nice.

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Have same issue, Gamertag:Firedancer46

So what happens when this is no longer a test? If you click cancel do you no longer own the product? Will you not be able to use something you paid money for? Will you get a refund of the initial purchase?

This is a terrible thing.

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No doubt there is a database of who owns what. I donā€™t believe there will be any issues as far as that goes.