Where do you live and where do you enjoy flying most?

I live on Panay, an island in the middle of the Philippines (yellow dot). In the game 95% of my A320neo flying is within the bounded area. No long hauls. I pick a real world A320 route ranging from an hour to 2 hours max between airports within that area. Lots of A320 flights domestically within the Philippines too! Good fun.

The local airport (RPVI) is nice and neat but not massive. Theres no taxiway :sweat_smile: so the frequent A320s/A321s have to trundle up and down backtracking to takeoff/land. As this airport gets busier and busier they will need a taxiway. Backtracking ties up the runway and everyone has to wait!

I will get in a Carbon Cub to explore your part of the world, greater Vancouver!

Happy flights!


Thanks for sharing, I still haven’t made my way down to the Phillipines and we have a huge Filipino community here in Greater Vancouver :sunglasses: Always the kindest people, toke models for all of society :+1:

I will check out your area this weekend, what site do you use to find the local routes that the A320’s fly?


I use FlightAware :grinning:

Here is the link showing departures from Manila. Lots of 320 hops! Its a free membership then you can see LOTS more listings of arrivals/departures!


Very cool, checking it out now :sunglasses:


I live in Brossard, a Montreal suburb, and my home GA airport is CYHU. For heavies, I fly out of Montreal’s International Airport, CYUL, and Favorite flights are CYUL-CYQB in the FBW 32NX and occasional CYUL-CYYZ md CYUL-KJFK hops.

Many GA flights I enjoy are in southern Quebec but ones I particularly like are the five-minute flight between CSE5 Montmagny and CSH2, an airport with a short runway situated on an island of the Saint Lawrence River. From either of these airports, I love to go to CTA3, a dirt strip on Isle aux Coudres, about fifteen minutes away across the River. A flight from CYQB and over nearby Ile d’Orléans is also great for scenery, with an eyeful of Mount Ste Anne’s ski slopes as backdrop for the lovely island.

Another great short hop when flying my Icon5 is to go from the paved CSB3 and fly a short distance to a watery, wheels-up arrival at CSU3, which has a nice artificial water runway or lagoon alongside its paved runway. Beavers are welcome! I’ve installed very nice, free airport sceneries for all the above Quebec locations and the flying’s great.

The screenshot below shows my Icon A5 about to join the water runway at CSU3.

For Europe, I love flying between LSGS Sion and LSGG Geneva and between LSZH Zurich and LIMC Milan. Beautiful mountain scenery indeed.

Lastly, for great plane spotting, it’s Seattle for me. Just before sunset, I park my 172 just above KSEA tower’s antennas, start FSLTL and wait 10 minutes. Wow! What a show! MSFS is simply the best hobby I’ve found.


Great write up Joe! :clap: Thanks for sharing the wonderful routes and some ideas for us too :+1:

Didn’t know artificial water runways existed, looks like fun landing in them :ok_hand:

Thanks, Homerun. For water runway action, Google ‘Beaver CSU3’ and you’ll find videos about this particular airport.

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YSDU Australia is near my home in real life. I was blown away by YSDU Dubbo default airport in msfs — it is spot on from the air. I have the same problem as the other Aussie simmers. Real time is so cool now I find myself flying only afternoons (daylight) in Europe. I hate flying in the dark.

Sola Stavanger Norway is my favourite with the Bell 407 right now (North Sea Scenery addon). I love the bad grey real time weather!

I spend my time there and Bora Bora. Having recently found a live webcam of Papeete Airport. I am tempted to fly in Polynesia only. The msfs weather is bang on right at this location.

I love the contrast between the tropical beaches and the grey rainy sea.


Living in the South of France I enjoy flying the world.

My last flights were in Japan, Northern India (interesting monsoon weather these days), Southern Korea, Thailand to Maynmar, Indonesia, Peru and , closer to home, Britanny :smiley:.

I suppose the country where I have flown the most so far would be Greece :archipelagos are good for my old machine, the landscape ,even defaut, is lovely and there are plenty of interesting landings. I love flying in Indonesai for the same reasons plus the volcanoes !

I’m from the UK, (Lowestoft) so I spend 90% of my time flying around the south east. From Norwich down to London and just around East Anglia mostly.

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