Which are your Top 10 favourite Cities with the best Photogrammetry to fly in?

I totally agree with you! I’ve got all of Vincent Bazillio’s Scenery creations. I reckon all his stuff is pay ware quality for sure. Am always chuffed to bits when I see he’s released a new airport. Doesn’t matter where it is, you know its going to be good! His Airports blend in so nicely with the Photogrammetry around. Top quality stuff!


Impulse’s Townsville is next on my shopping list :laughing:

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Impulse have started work to update/improve their Townsville city pack. No timeline for release, but eventually something should happen.

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It’s great as it is, when you bear in mind it’s inexpensive. I assume any update will result in a price increase, although I’d expect it to be free for existing owners.

This is now their second city pack that lacks a decent airport, though. We do have a Townsville by some obscure dev, but it’s old and looks pretty poor. Same story with Cairns and the Taimodels airport.

I actually bought both city packs in the hope that, one day, either Impulse, AUScene or Orbx would conjure up the corresponding airports. Flying low over major cities isn’t half as much fun when the end destination is a poor Asobo default airport!

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I gave up and bought TAI YBCS. It’s OK if you get enough discount, but it’s not great.

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I am slowly working through the suggestions in this topic.

This one really is good PG quality. Very crisp! Almost hand-modelled quality… almost.

Compared to this:

…which is a lovely city, but the quality is really below the best ones.

I wonder why there is such a difference? Surely the equipment used to take the images is the same or almost the same in all cases so I don’t know why it can’t all be on the better end of the results we see. Shame!

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Most of the pg comes from local companies, so it’s very unlikely that the equipment is the same, and probably the source material varies in quality.

Also some styles of architecture look better in low res pg than others. Compare a city like Barcelona with its very regular block sized square buildings with cities that have much more complicated and varied buildings.