We need to step back from the trees for a moment and look at the forest.
Take a couple of hours and do a little research on the AI and technology that has brought us our flight sim world. To begin with, the sim is not streaming Bing Maps. The sim is streaming a database of squares that have been generated using Bing Map’s data and various other sources. An outside company was contracted to run those data sets through a ground breaking proprietary algorithm that is capable of creating a 3d representation of the data fed in. This information is then blended with another system that tries to recognize specific images as usable airports that are overlaid. All this is blended with elevation data from, God only knows, how many data sets. When all this is brought together, we have a computer/AI generated representation of a given square.
I am sure that when MS/Asobo had those scenery squares generated they were using the best data at their disposable, at that time. I would not want to guess what the cost was to create those tiles, but I am sure that this is NOT something that will be done every time the data is updated on one of the sources. If the image of your house was ten years old when the data was processed. Sending fresh drone footage to Bing Maps today will be a long time updating in MSFS.
I, for one, am pretty stoked when I decide to do a VFR bush trip and can actually follow a forest access road into the mountains to fly over my favorite fishing holes. Even if the weed lines have changed a bit in the last few seasons.
Maybe when MS has sold 250,000,000 copies a new arrangement can be negotiated with the various parties involved to get real time satellite imagery updated in the sim, in real time.