0 flighthours from 1843 hours


I’ve gotten some weird errors or what should I call them

Under my profile I have 0 hours, 2 days ago I had 1843 hours under profile.

Haven’t done anything at all with the game other than reinstalling it last week when I had reinstalled my computer.

Worked perfectly and everything was as it should be with the number of hours I have flown, my achivments are unlocked as they should be

Have the game via ms-store

Anyone have an idea what can be done.

Did you accidentally delete your ‘saved data’? Have other settings (such as assistance option or controller profiles) been deleted or reset as well? A similar thing has happend to me twice in the past and I had to start all over again! As far as achievements are concerned - once unlocked, they remain unlocked! They are linked to your player-profile! I recommend that you submit a support-ticket via flightsimulator.zendesk.com

My settings for controller was also reset also , did not delete saved data at all , it just happened

What should i submit there , have been looking but did not found any usefull

They may be able to restore your saved/cloud data!

Thx , have sent a request with a picture of my stats before and after

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