05/24 No ATC Voice

Had ATC voice yesterday–so happy. Today nothing, in fact worse than ever cause I didn’t have ATC voice on the ramp–couldn’t hear Clearance or Ground, and nothing during whole flight.

Started a new flight, same thing, no ATC audio, copilot fine. Since I’m not hearing any audio on the ramp–no Ground, no Clearance, no Atis (I can read it but not hear it) I’m thinking something is amiss in the cockpit. Radios are on, Call is selected and volume is up. Is there anything else that needs to be on—or something? Thanks.

There’s a setting in the assistance options that enables the AI ATC voice. Probably under navigation, but I’m not certain.

Solved it! Pilot error–I did everything except push the Call button which turns on a white light. To my credit tho I solved it by reading the Manual. : )


I have just installed SU15 and my ATC has to be turned on by switching on the Radio section and turning the volume up (A320 Neo v2).
But to my utter dismay, the minute I pause the game to adjust anything, and go back, I have lost the ATC. I still have the CoPilot voice, but just text from ATC with no voice.
ATC voices are enabled in Assistance > User Experience.

I saw somewhere else on the forum that this a/c doesn’t accept active pause. When you went back into the sim did you turn on and select all the radio buttons again?

Hi. I did check all that. But this behaviour is consistent … I will try again and respond here with the result.

Tried again this morning .,. no luck. No ATC at all … flightplan is in the MCDU.
Doyou know if there is a procedure to follow?

Same problem here, every knob is as it should be and no ATC or radios at all (volumes are at 100%)

On the centre console comms panel you need to enable Pilot’s VHF1:

  1. Press the call button
  2. Turn the volume up
  3. Press the volume button

You should end up with the Call and Volume buttons illuminated and ATC should work.


Thanks CD0139 - that sorted it.

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I do not know if this thread is related to a specific aircraft but I also did not have ATC voice in my last session during one quick flight.