what you mean with “smooth” ?.. I assume, as a lot of users, you mean with DLSS 3 the new nvidia Frame-Generation feature ?
Ah… and seems… you speak about:
So please described a bit more about the issue. Did you still get “doubled FPS” with Frame-Generation on ? Whats your system-settings and game-settings which may have an impact: as example Vsync on/ off , etc.
Hi, thank you very much for answering. I’ve been trying things and I think the problem has to do with the vertical synchronization, the last update must have changed something and now it’s impossible to fly without stutters. NCP changes don’t seem to have an effect on gameplay. I’ve tried each and every one of the vertical sync settings both in-game and on the NCP but the issues persist.As I said before, thank you very much for answering.
@MichaMMA - vsync in control panel with DLSS3 is broken hence my post you’ve referenced.
In brief: if you set vsync in control panel and enable DLSS3 in game and you’re not using a GSYNC monitor then the frame time is unstable. This used to work in versions prior to AAU1.
This really sucks. It was so nice and smooth before this update and now i just want to give up. Thanks Asobo. At least you are consistent with your updates. Now its anther day of messing with settings trying to get close to what i had. I bet it works great on xbox though…
I can aggree that the game vsync setting not care about additional generated frames ( only setting in ncp fixed that ). I noticed that directly as I tried FrameGen, but I not use FrameGen because I saw little artifacts and so I not done more intensive test-cases - just direct disabled FrameGen. May be I have next days bit time and try to reproduce the scenario
Nvidia never said Vsync will be compatible with Frame Generation, they said the contrary from the beginning. That’s why you had to force it outside the Sim and outside all other apps and games managing Frame generation (as found by Digital Foundry).
It’s easily comprehensive why it’s not compatible. Doubling frames, and keeping them in sync with a monitor is pretty complicate IMHO. E.g. If you have 35fps without, and 70fps with Frame generation, how to keep them in sync with an external constraint like a 60fps monitor, without having an heavy stutter exactly once per second? You need to schedule in advance between real and fake frame and at the end be in sync? Pfffiiuuuuuu hard one, unless you have some room in your gsync monitor range (E.g. 40Hz to 80Hz), and you have to set your graphical settings to always land in the monitor range.
I hope they will resolve it one day, but it will be very complex.
The fact it was working before was probably a (good) side effect. They change the algorithm, we loose the vsync. So IMHO it’s not a bug, just a side effect of this tech.
Edit: to be clear I think it’s an Nvidia problem. One can try to downgrade the specific DLL for the Frame Generate. MSFS use the last one v1.0.5.0, nvngx_dlssg.dll. Try lower version available here:
The problems started with the new simulator update. It has nothing to do with the DLSS3 .dll. Before the update you could enable Vsync from the nvidia control panel, not now. Anyway thanks for answering.