1.37.19 Crashes Every Single Time - Ryzen + Radeon

Great - finally have some time off from work/life to fly and I have the crash at 75% loading. I got into the main menu once in about 10 tries, crash as soon as I try to start a flight.

Now what is very interesting
I just rebooted my PC and put it into Airplane Mode and started the sim in regular mode with all of my items in the community folder. It started up perfectly!! Once in the sim, I took it out of Airplane Mode and it continued working perfectly


I am also having CTD after getting the latest update (patch) the evening of 17th. June. After the update I did my normal flight like I always do CYYZ (Toronto) to KLGA New York. Everything loaded fine, 10 mins into the flight CTD occurred. Did the same flight again today 18th. and CTD approximately 8 mins into the flight.

My pc is exactly the same for the past year no new addons etc
etc. The same flight worked the past 3 days in a row everyday with no issues; once I received MS 2020 update on 17th. the CTD started. Included below is from the log which seems to be the generic information, hopefully it may have some meaning information this time.

Faulting application name: FlightSimulator.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Faulting module name: FlightSimulator.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc000001d
Fault offset: 0x0000000000f28890
Faulting process id: 0x448
Faulting application start time: 0x01dac1d6238b35df
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_1.37.19.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\FlightSimulator.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_1.37.19.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\FlightSimulator.exe
Report Id: 6e8ba1be-b60b-4e9c-96d8-e3d1f65203c3
Faulting package full name: Microsoft.FlightSimulator_1.37.19.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
Faulting package-relative application ID: App

Something in the update is causing the problem hopefully MS has some suggestions. I will try another flight in another city to see if it’s isolated to a specific NE region area.


Kindest Regards.

SOLVED - After a few hours scratching my head, trying different solutions to fix the problems that others had suggested - many of them on this forum, thank you for your help in that guys - I was contemplating deleting and reinstalling everything (Zendesk weren’t particularly helpful I have to say) but then I tried something in desperation and it worked. See below for the process I did.

I’m convinced that the mandatory update was corrupt somehow, so I looked for the files/folders that were updated by that update that was originally suggested by @ToniGsxr600 in the following folder path:


The 4 folders updated at the time of downloading the update were:

I moved these 4 folders to my desktop - DO NOT DELETE THEM! in case this solution doesn’t work for you and you can move them back again if needed!!!

I then tried to load MSFS again, and voila! - the mandatory update was again available and downloaded (much quicker than yesterday too), which placed new versions of those folders where they were. My simulator loaded without any further problem and is working perfectly again. Those files must have been corrupted somehow and that’s the reason that my simulator had multiple CTD’s when loading.

If you’re still having a problem, try this solution as it worked for me and it will hopefully work for you too.

I have now deleted the folders that I moved to my desktop too - just for housekeeping purposes :wink: Thanks again for your help/encouragement in trying to get this sorted, I really appreciate it and have avoided the dreaded prospect of deleting and reinstalling.


I found a solution to this - scroll to the bottom of the thread. Hopefully it works for you too if you’re still having the problem

I’m very glad to know that you have been able to solve it.
Thank you for sharing the solution; it could help more people.
We have a great community where we all help each other to fully enjoy ourselves.
Happy flying!

If anyone having this problem does this, please do the following as well.

Keep both copies of the folders in place, then download this program.


It will allow you to compare file content, and in this case folder content. I would be interested to know which specific files in those folder structures are different, and if text based it can even show you the differences in the files, line by line.

It might assist Asobo in finding out why this is happening. The sim does a good job of finding a folder which is missing, but it doesn’t check each, and every single file for corruption. I know because there have been mods over the years that involve changing core files, and the sim doesn’t detect these changes, so does not undo them.

It could do that easily by running a hash check over every single file, but that would increase loading time. Though just for giggles I was tempted to lash something together to see exactly how long that would take.

In essence I would run a program over every single file in the Official/OneStore folder, and write its hash out to a text file somewhere.

Then I would run a different script that would compare the hash in the text file against the hash of the file itself. That step would be what the sim could do on launch. I’m actually curious about how long that would take, and if it didn’t take too long I would be happy for them to add that step.

Think of it like “sfc” for MSFS, repairing detected damage as it loads.

:+1: thanks again for your help with it

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after moving this directories out of onestore and starting MSFS I compaired the “new” and the “old” files, but there ist no byte different. I used directory compaire from totalcmd.exe.

Not sure if anyone has mentioned but I use msfs on Xbox Series S/X, and Cloud gaming. I have the same situation with load and CTD(This case CTH). After resigning to the fact, I contacted Xbox support which validaded and confirmed that this is a known issue with version, and Asobo is aware of the fact.

The interesting part about this is that I can play on cloud gaming (on desktop only. It still crashes on xbox cloud), however, everytime it’s launched, it applies updates to 1.37.19 from 1.37.18. I have an escalation already with Xbox and Asobo.

Will keep updated whenever possible.

I did it and now its working properly thx

Well, I don’t know if they did something on their side but, aside from deleting the folder named “0” (zero) in the app cache folder, I did nothing else and the game is now starting normally.

In the end, this should not have happened.

Welp. My game updated and now can’t load. Gets to 75% loaded then just hangs. I’ve let it sit there for over an hour. I need to kill the process in task manager. Game worked fine last time I played less than a month ago.

I’ve completed uninstalled the game, deleted every community add-on or download. I use a separate SSD drive specifically for Flight Sim and I even completely formatted the drive to ensure nothing was left over.

Reinstall the game from scratch. Still freezes. None of the solutions in this thread have worked.

Hi @CmderShepard & welcome to the forums! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sorry to hear that you are having issues starting the game. I’d suggest looking through some of the articles on the Zendesk website to see if any matches your particular issue (from your post I’m unclear as to where the sim is getting stuck - e.g. before the welcome screen or while trying to load a flight.)

Perhaps this article wiil help:

Or, you could enter the following text in this forum’s search bar:
loading screen after:2024-03-01 in:title
and see if any of the results help.

Thanks I will try this for sure next time it happens. I have been forced to delete all the files per the recommendations to fix this issue but the time to restore was several hours and I have a very fast internet connection but the servers where thes files are stored were always very slow a few KB/sec. I had several Gb to download to restore the deleted files in the instructions to fix long time to update. Somehow the former process deleted my account for the forums as well which I discovered today and had to create a new account. Terrible, now I need to recover my original account for the forums becuase I had lots of history now lost.

Hi @irepairsmc ,
I’m sorry to hear that you are having problems with your forum account. Common account issues are described here:

If none of the scenarios apply to you, I suggest following the last suggestion and contacting the Zendesk:

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