[] SU15 Beta Survey - Stability (Xbox)

Please indicate your playability of the sim with the following statement - Xbox stability in this build is generally:
  • Better than the current public retail build
  • About the same as the current public retail build
  • Worse than the current public retail build
  • Unable to tell
0 voters

To report a bug, please use the Sim Update 15 Beta section.

:arrow_down: Please provide additional information in the comment section below :arrow_down:

:warning: Reminder:

I did a quick test after the update.

System: Xbox Series X
Online functionality: ON
Live traffic: ON
Live weather: ON
Multiplayer: OFF

Aircraft: Cirrus SR22T
Departure: LFPB (Le Bourget) Ramp 5, cold and dark

The G1000 screens don’t even turn on upon startup. There’s no difference compared to the previous build. The current public build (SU14) works without issues, the beta is simply unusable. Black screens. The simulator runs out of memory. Not surprising since according to the patch notes, the simulator now tries to load even more traffic.


Please let me reiterate in short:


Additional information:

I tested the same scenario described above, but with Live traffic OFF. Avionics work flawlessly, no black screens on startup, or even several minutes later. So I think it’s clear at this point that the live traffic system causes excess memory usage.

Edit: I went one step further:

Aircraft: Boeing 787-10
Departure: LFPG (Charles de Gaulle)
Live traffic: OFF

Not only it is smooth, but all avionics work flawlessly. In an airliner, at a huge handcrafted airport.


Same goes for Ai traffic. With this setting all is ok. But if I will ever see any aircraft with this setting, I haven’t got a clue. I hear mostly Cessna Skyhawks over the ATC.

First flight on build.

XBox Series X
Live everything on

Taxiing, departure, and flight was actually very smooth aside from low FPS while flying through hazy high altitude clouds. As I arrived in KBOS airspace, ATC told me to take the RNAV Y 22L approach via SRINO transition. Programmed the approach in, but the instant I pressed the scratchpad key to add the SRINO transition, sim completely froze. Waited 5 minutes before the sim finally CTD’s

We are not going to get very far until - and frustratingly it is stating something so very very fundamental - the devs go out and purchase a cots XSX and XSS and run the sim and some add ons on them. The emulators are clearly not giving a representative picture, But why would you expect them to?

It’s about time ( past actually) that the QA for consoles was improved to a point where the memory issues are observed on real consoles, not via emulators. We are getting absolutely nowhere here and are in danger of having an unplayable SU released shortly. That should be an unacceptable situation for MS if not Asobo.


They won’t release it until it is ready, even if that means putting it back by a few weeks.

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Agree, turning live traffic off is a must at the moment.

Live traffic, especially with the new livery matching, will never be fixed. Then what?

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Test with new build:
Lvfr A320 cold and dark from MK studio LPPT.
Live traffic off
Live weather on

After a couple of minutes i got black avonics. The problem is still here unfortunately.

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You mean the inibuilds a320neo? Or what?

Even with no live traffic😐. And a warm welcome, by the way😬

Wished for better circumstances.

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No the A320 ceo from LatinVFR

I don’t understand? He meant: „…won’t release it… so not the LVFR A320, that’s already released😅

Get rid of it, I couldn’t care less about livery matching anyway. The generics don’t really bother me that much!

Well, it does for me m8. 2.5 years it does.

I just don’t understand why they are trying to implement another memory hungry feature, they already now it won’t work.

Who are the trying to please with it? The PC community?

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What for a function, I simply can’t follow🤣

Maybe I expressed myself wrong. I meant that i have tested the new build of the beta but not a new plane.
I know that the LVFR A320 is still the same :sweat_smile:


Live Traffic with livery matching.

Or without livery matching, neither won’t work on Xbox unless you fency your black avionics.


Ok, thanks! But my first reply was going to @Matt831458 and his words about something that Asobo won’t release until it’s ready!

So, @Matt831458 : did you mean the inibuilds a320neo?

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