has been crashing, anyone else having this issue?

Similar to DaintierOcean3 experience, I have had no issues up until I installed 1.9.3. Subsequently, each attempted flight (different parameters each time) results in the program crashing. I am not using VFR maps. I submitted a bug report with an Event Log attached. Hopefully the issue will be resolved quickly.

We are all with the same problem after the last update, every time you try to open the gps the simulator crashes, a disaster !! Try updating windows 10 and drivers, but nothing fixes it.

Not a single crash for me. Make sure you have windows in charge of managing page file and try running as admin.

Hi @SirNable. Just wanted to give you a heads up that I tried your flight and got the same results. I sent in a support ticket to let them know. In my report, I said that someone in the forums has a 100% repeatable crash, so I decided to try it and can also repeat it 100% of the time.

If I try to start at PAWS, the game crashes before loading the airport. If I take off from a nearby airport like PANC, it crashes when I reach 9 miles away. Plane selection doesn’t matter.

I’m running a freshly formatted install of the latest Windows with the latest patches & drivers. System is Intel i7-8700K not overclocked, Nvidia RTX2080 not overclocked, 64GB RAM & fast M.2 NVMe SSD.

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No crashes here man. Just playing at a solid 4 billion and occasionally 10 FPS. Great game Asobo. Loving it :joy:


I had a crash as well.

I was flying IFR from RJOO to RJTT in the TBM930 last night. Wasn’t sure if the weather was correct as these was a lot of thunderstorms and clouds (I checked Osaka’s weather from California and it didn’t look bad).

As I was descending to RJTT from FL310 to 11,000 ft, it suddenly just crashed. No error indication…

It’s weird how some people have no crashes, some have random ones and some are repeatable 100% of the time. One setting I’m going to enable in Windows to see if it helps is the “Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling.” I doubt it’ll do anything, but I’m trying everything.

My crashes are random, but every one has has been when I’m descending and close to my destination airport. Not sure if that’s coincidence or possibly related. For me, the weather choice I pick doesn’t make a difference. It happens with all weather types.

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I had constant ctd in the release version. After the last few patches not a single one. Have hags enabled but I dont think it does anything either (dx12 feature).

Thanks for that!! Now I feel a lot less crazy. Your rig is a lot better than mine, but that experience is identical to mine.

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yes as soon as you press V to open VFR map you might expect a crash to desktop, well known issue. :slight_smile:

Dear Asobo: Hotfix Please

These CTD’s have ruined the sim


For the case like you, I feel I’m the lucky one. Because I can hand fly my 787 for 3 hours without the autopilot working rather then CTD. Thank god!:crazy_face::rofl:

I had my first CTD tonight flying the Japan trip, roughly two hours into it. Hand flying only, no auto pilot. boo :frowning_face:

So far I have had 3 so far without a warning

I only get crashes when switching from external to internal flight after couple of hours into the flight

Guys, the secret is called Little Navmap. It’s free and open source and it’s a million times better than the VFR map. You’ll never need to pull the VFR map up again. It can also create precise flight plans and see your evolution.

Nevertheless I get numerous CTD with the latest patch which I didn’t have before. The last one was during the Japan tour when visiting the first modeled bridge (aka after 25 minutes of flight or so). I’ve also noted far more freezes than before but that may due to me flying over photogrametric maps lately. I got also CTDs twice when going back to the lobby screen. And I don’t have any mods that could be blamed since none involve Japan and I don’t have any mod that affects the planes.

Good to know.

What is your cache? Did you set it off ?

No I didn’t set it off, I don’t think it’s a good idea to turn the cache off. However I didn’t empty it as suggested by another user above, and I’m going to do it because it makes sense: if they changed the data format in some places, then the ancient data may be no longer compatible with the new version and thus cause crashes. This may explain why some of the crashes are seemingly random.

If my hypothesis turns out to be true, that’s something Asobo should have written in their release notes. But now I’ll clean my cache after each new patch.

Mine is off, didn’t see any difference really.