has been crashing, anyone else having this issue?

4 times now during descent and pulling up the VFR map, video stalls and crashes to Desktop. Aircraft was TBM 930

Never mind…found this:


You might experience some Crash to Desktop when certain conditions are met.

  • The sim may crash if the VFR Map is not opened right after starting the flight

I had some CTD’s that where resolved by deleting and disabling my rolling cache.

I don’t use the VFR map so cant help you there.

Just happened to me when I pulled up VFR map towards the end of a bush trip leg, progress lost on re-starting. I’d note that the VFR map was open when i started the leg. I’ve also crashed to desktop at each completed leg since the new patch, though in those cases at least my progress was saved. Crash is very quick, straight to desktop with the MSFS application closed and gone.

Yup… Mine crashes when opening the map. It also crashes to the desktop when I try and load a saved flight. I’m really trying to stay optimistic but all these little things is just killing the whole experience. I won’t even start about the autopilot…


Yep, trying to do the Japan flight but the whole sim crashes as soon as I try to open the map

It crashed once when I was in active break over Tokyo and another time right at the start of the Japan Tour. Definitely more unstable than before.

I reinstalled the whole flight simulator and I’m not full of things, I bought the full version via Steam and there are 2 planes !!

you have to go to content manager and download the rest. I dont know if is a bug or not now, but is the way we have to do

This I have on content manager

Marketplace nonfunction

I’ve been lucky…until tonight. My Logitech multi panel is only working in the CJ4. I’ve only been able to complete a couple of flights. All the others crashed. The game not me. I bought $120 version via steam. Now I just restarted my PC for probably the 7th time. Started MSFS and it started an update. 95.79gb. Anyone else having a similar experience?

wow, you have the premium edition?
Really strange man

I did the same thing, he did yesterday and that’s how it turned out

Yes, same here! Three times tonight when flying the A320. During descend and pulling up the VFR map… BAM! Crash to desktop! Annoying!!!

Did Japan tour and after more than 1 hour flight sim just crashed… Did it today again after more than 1 hour flight… It is so annoying.

I downloaded the Japan update. Had a crash in flight with a A320. Crashed 10 minutes into Tour of Japan flight. Now everytime I start the game it wants to redownload the 95gb game without any of the deluxe items in it. Downloaded all the deluxe items. Restarted my pc and have to download the 95gb game again.

Right after installing the update to 1.9.3 and running the game, it crashed on the first flight. First time it ever crashed to desktop for me.

I’ve got a crashing issue that perfectly repeatable. I wonder if it’s just my setup? If I try to launch from the runway at Wasilla, AK (PAWS) it’ll CTD. When I go from a nearby airport and get close to PAWS, it crashes. I’ve tried everything I can think of including reinstalling the game, windows updates deleting caches, reinstalling drivers and all sorts of other recommended tweaks.

Thanks, will remember next flight.

Same for me. Up until update 1.9.3 I didn’t have a single crash. Now I get them every time I fly. From what I can tell my crashes don’t seem to be related to the crashes other people are having - ATC issues or when using the VFR map. I’m sure they’ll get it fixed.