[] Correct Taxiways KATL

Prior to patch KATL taxiways were incorrect.

After updating, the taxiways now seem to be correct. In-game ATC instructed me to the active runway as I would have expected. Taxiway signage also appeared to be correct.

My assumption is that this came with the Navblue integration update.

The taxiway names have always been incorrent for me. They seem to be just randomly named by the game.

MSFS 2020 doesn’t have navigraph integration. It has a partnership with Navblue, an Airbus company, from which they get their navigational data. Navigraph gets their data from Jepessen and resells it to flight simmers. We MSFS 2020 customers get that data directly from Airbus.

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Thanks for the clarification - I have updated the original post.